I made a very simple little app to generate MMF2 arrays from Excel spreadsheets.
You can already do that using CSV files, but then you're limited to 2 dimensional arrays.
This uses XML spreadsheet files, which means it can generate 3 dimensional arrays (from multiple sheets).
It might also work with MS Works Spreadsheet files (*.wks), as these appear to be just XML files with an added header.
Thanks very much.
I still find it weird that Clickteam didn't include a way to edit the contents of an array from the frame editor.
There's the "Data Grid" extension (MMF2ev. only), but again that's only 2 dimensional.
I actually tried making a full-blown array editor a while back, but it was too much work. It's not like I could make anything to rival Excel anyway, so this seemed like a more sensible way to go.
Anyway, I thought of one more change I want to make before I submit it for the downloads section.
I want to make it ignore hidden rows and columns - that way you could include labels/comments/etc, without them affecting the exported MMF2 array.
Hidden rows are easy enough, but columns are a bit more tricky - could take some time...
Am I the only one having trouble opening this? I installed the EasyXML extension in the correct place, yet I always says: "Cannot load EasyXML.mfx. This object might need an external program or library not yet installed". I get this message even when running the executable posted.(I also already have excel, the required .dlls, etc)
Is there any other program involved with using this extension that I need for it to work?
I'm not sure if anyone else had this, but all the .xml files I throw through it are blank...
That Really Hot Chick
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the top one's the .xml and the bottom is the output file. I didn't want to spend the money for Microsoft Office when I built my computer, so I used OpenOffice Calc and saved it as an XML flie, I don't know if that makes a difference.
That Really Hot Chick
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The extra "ss:" would stop it working at the moment. I'll fix that in the next version.
In the meantime, try deleting the "ss:" infront of the worksheet tag, and see if that works (don't remove it from anywhere else though).
EDIT: Or since your array is only 2d, you could just use .csv format, and the dynamic array extension.
That seems to have done the trick, although I have to be careful and save it as another file, or else I won't be able to open it again. You and your 0-based index, and after I set it all up to have a 1-based index.
Which reminds me, if I try to counteract that and be smart by just moving the sheet over to the right and down one, it still keeps the X on zero. Maybe it was just a freak accident. Not too sure.
That Really Hot Chick
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Originally Posted by Sketchy I can see at least one reason why it wouldn't like your file - there's a difference in the way the worksheet tag is written.
The extra "ss:" would stop it working at the moment. I'll fix that in the next version.
In the meantime, try deleting the "ss:" infront of the worksheet tag, and see if that works (don't remove it from anywhere else though).
EDIT: Or since your array is only 2d, you could just use .csv format, and the dynamic array extension.
I would use that, but I'm planning on doing the array as 3d, just haven't gotten that far yet.
That Really Hot Chick
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