For some reason, when i make the player go up a ladder it only plays the 1st of 2 animations in the climbing animation i make it play. Is there a reason that it doesnt play the second frame?
Sometimes, if the event that changes the animation repeats itself if conditions are met, it will continuously change the animation. When this happens you'll only see the first frame. You could try adding an 'only one action when event loops' to the condition that changes to the climbing animation.
Oh, that would probably be because you are not colliding with the ground. In the event for the jumping animation, add 'if animation climbing is NOT playing'.
Try something like turning one of the player's flags to *on* whenever he's overlapping a ladder, and then change his animation to "climbing" whenever that flag's set to on.
Then you'd have to have another event check to shut that flag off whenever he's not overlapping a ladder AND wherever you have the walking animation (and etc) make sure that it won't change to walking animation unless that same flag is off.
Maybe that will work?
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I am actually using a flags system for the ladders. I even just put "when flag 0 is on > play animations climbing" and it didnt work. and yes i did force it to number 1 in the expression editor when i tried that.
Have you tried added more frames? Sometimes only having one or two frames of animation can cause problems, although very rarely. What is your animation speed?
Since you are using flags, did you Turn Flag #0 off at Start of level? (Assuming the hero doesn't start the level on a ladder.)
It seems that you're having conflicing code. The program is probably telling it to show multiple animations at the same time, like jumping since the character isn't on the ground and climbing since you're going up a ladder. Try finding what animation it's trying to play(probably the jumping animation) and making it so that when climbing up a ladder a flag is set on + tell it to only display the jumping animation when that flag is off.