I am working on a game set in the impending zombie apocalypse. Everything was going well until I smashed my face into a brick wall. (metaphor)
In the game, you explore and barricade yourself inside various houses and defend them from a rabid horde of the infected. You can enter rooms behind rooms in a sort of semi pseudo 3d fasion and herein lies my problem!
I can't find an appropriate way to show the door for the room that is in front of you. Keep in mind this door has to be able to be opened, closed and boarded up.
It is hard for me to explain this so I've included some screenshots.
Outside a house.
Opened the front door, showing inside the first room.
Inside the first room. The white square depicts the door leading to outside.
I have tried a semi transparent picture of the front door that opens and closes but it looks terrible. I've tried a non transparent picture of the door, but too it sucks. The white square looks ok, but how will I show if the door is open or closed? Let alone boarded up from inside that room.
I think a light shining below the door could look good but I can't figure a way to create it. If anybody would like to help me out that would be amazing! I'll give you full credit for your contributions. Or even if anybody can suggest something for me to try.
Oh i have a great way of doing doors...
But its kinda hard to explain it in words...
Ah sorry, i totally have not read your post completely before i posted, i was thinking you were having trouble animating the door.
Have you tried placing a small icon inside the highlihted door to represent its current state?...
I think your post dated a little bit, but if you are still lokking for ideas, here is one:
door closed: semi-transparent, like you already have
door open: reduce the door to a non-transparent rim
door opening: , if the opening is animated you can reduce the transparency while opening