Posted By
Matthew Wiese The Fencer
Registered 01/02/2009
Points 149
13th October, 2011 at 01:47:12 -
*digs through grave* Raaaahhh I am alive~
I apologize for being away for such long amounts of time/being very inactive.
My question for everyone today is something kind of personal, at least in a sense. One of my classes this year is AP (Advanced Placement) Chemistry, and I find normal studying for it very, well... let's say not fun/productive.
So I have decided I will create a program in MMF that I will tailor to my own needs. I will implement features so that somebody can use to create their own notes/study sheets and such.
I'm posting this here just to see if anyone would find the project interesting and who could also benefit from software such as this.
- Matt
BTW: Damn you aqueous solutions! D:<
Edited by Matthew Wiese
Registered 04/12/2008
Points 1110
13th October, 2011 at 02:08:44 -
So essentially you want to create a less functional notepad.
Great idea, Mr. Genius.
Matthew Wiese The Fencer
Registered 01/02/2009
Points 149
13th October, 2011 at 02:11:52 -
Hmm, not necessarily.
Notepad is wonderful, but can't write subscripts/superscripts (far as I can tell) and doesn't allow me to build something I can quiz myself off of, all I could do is write notes down.
Thank you for the compliment, I do consider myself a genius. <3