The Daily Click ::. Forums ::. Klik Coding Help ::. Emulator frontend help!

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Nate Baker

13th November, 2011 at 22:00:28 -

Hi all, I trying to make an emulator front end for my 6 year old nephew as he has recently got in to Mario but don't have any game systems. I'm trying to use the special object to launch and external program but their has to be something I don't understand about command line options as the emulators always seams to fail to load a game. I was trying to use mess and it loads but closes right away before running the game and Project 64 starts as well gives me and error say if cant load the ROM. Of course I tried use the same command line options I'm using in my program in the command prompt and they work fine so I don't think it has any thing to do with the emulators. Their has to me something I'm missing about command line options, any Help?


And while we are on the subject is their any way to close the emulator or even tell if the program is running from mmf?

Edited by Nate Baker





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13th November, 2011 at 23:26:54 -

Use the process object to detect if the program is running, and there is another object, I can't remember which that let's you start programs with command lines, so dig around. It might fix your problem.

Instead of making your own front-end you could always use GameEx, that's what I personally use for my Arcade Cab.


Nate Baker

14th November, 2011 at 14:23:04 -

I found the command line object and the Process Viewer but are their any example programs that can help me?


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