Posted By
s-m-r Slow-Motion Riot
Registered 04/06/2006
Points 1078
25th April, 2012 at 25/04/2012 21:01:26 -
Good to hear you're able to follow through with it, Liam.
For my part, I've nearly finished an update to the example I posted above; there were some modifications I've made to it, but the core of the game remains the same (along with the graphics, unfortunately...).
As soon as my title screen and how-to-play screen is done, I'll be uploading the Flash version and will post here.
jason w.
Registered 02/05/2012 12:25:08
Points 10
2nd May, 2012 at 02/05/2012 13:34:52 -
I am interested in learning how to make the game get speed up as it plays on, as the original poster mentioned. Can anyone explain that or point me to a tutorial that shows how.
Registered 28/02/2012 15:24:25
Points 381
15th May, 2012 at 15/05/2012 22:53:21 -
I've just made an arcade game that does exactly this - has an endless level that can be at variously levels of speed (even paused and backwards).
Have an object share a value, eg make one called AlterableValueCounter
now make all the objects go:
Put all all the objects in a qualifier then (for example): every 0.02 seconds, change x position of (group of objects) to x (group of objects) - Alterable Value 1(AlterableValueCounter).
Then put in a condition which changes the alterable value 1 of AlterableValueCounter.
Make a pause game button easily by putting a "Alterable Value 1 of AlterableValueCounter > 0" in most of your conditions, and then setting that value to 0 when you press eg Esc
s-m-r Slow-Motion Riot
Registered 04/06/2006
Points 1078
28th June, 2012 at 28/06/2012 19:36:26 -
EDIT: the game has been approved and is now available via the downloads section. Additionally, I've posted a link to the MFA file:
*blows dust off this thread*
The game I made based on this discussion has just been uploaded and will likely be approved very soon. As soon as I'm done commenting the Event List, I'll be sure to post that as well. Here's the link to the game, "Jem Jumpers":
Edited by s-m-r