Posted By
Registered 19/11/2011
Points 2
30th May, 2012 at 30/05/2012 10:20:03 -
I want to learn MMF2. Please, show me the right way to learn it.
Thanks in advance!
Sketchy Cornwall UK
Registered 06/11/2004
Points 1971
30th May, 2012 at 30/05/2012 12:27:40 -
#1 - Update your copy of MMF2 to the newest build (available from the clickteam forums).
You might also want to install all the extensions at this point (you're going to need to eventually anyway) -
#2 - Read the manual (.../multimedia fusion 2/manual.pdf)
#3 - Read the chocobreak tutorial (.../multimedia fusion 2/tutorials/chocobreak/chocobreak.chm)
#4 - Try and make a game - but start very small (don't even think about making an RPG, FPS or RTS yet).
An early '80s arcade game would be a good first project IMO - eg. Something off this list:
#5 - When you get stuck, come here and/or to the clickteam user forums.
First though, save yourself a bit of time & effort, and check if the question has been asked before - TDC's own search function isn't very good, so I'd recommend you use google instead - eg. " your question"
When you do ask a question here, try to make it as specific as possible, and give as much information about the problem as possible (include a source .mfa file if appropriate).
It's also good to start browsing the forums, articles, other sites, etc - eg.
Welcome, Good Luck and Happy Kliking!
AndyUK Mascot Maniac
Registered 01/08/2002
Points 14586
31st May, 2012 at 31/05/2012 02:39:54 -
It might be confusing if you see an example file or tutorial on the internet because they don't always use a 'movement' ie. Bouncing ball, race car, platform etc.
Some games control objects only by using the event editor. It's known as either 'Static movement' or a 'Custom engine' although I don't think Ive heard those terms used for years.
A built in movement is good for beginners but a custom one is almost always a better option.
Cazra Crazy?
Registered 24/07/2002
Points 4472
2nd June, 2012 at 02/06/2012 20:10:54 -
Clickteam's site also has some good tutorials to start out with: