Posted By
Chloe Sagal under the influence of FUN
Registered 19/02/2009
Points 607
26th October, 2012 at 26/10/2012 08:46:18 -
I've gots me a flashlight going. It consists of two objects, a circular area for the spot the light is shining set to the mouse) and a beam of light that connects the flashlight to the spot. Basically, all I want to do is stretch that beam of light between the light source and the mouse. currently, Im using the Pythagorean theorem to get the distance, then dividing that by about 300, and setting the X scale of the beam to that. It works in some places, however, at some angles it shrinks to an odd size, and at some it lengthens to an aukward size. the 300 number was just a random guess im sure if the object was a 1pxl width things would be different, but lines arent triangular fools so its about 400 pixels just to be safe, I've no idea what I'm doing and I'm extremely tired ATM so STFU and junk. bahgahah. In case you didn't understand what it was I was just talking about, read it again, and maybe that'd help, if not i can things of sorts. ynah meeeean?
Don Luciano Heavy combat pancake
Registered 25/10/2006
Points 380
26th October, 2012 at 26/10/2012 12:47:26 -
Uhh, when you don't use the 1pix then you must divide the thing with it's actuall width at some point.
Code me a sausage!
Chloe Sagal under the influence of FUN
Registered 19/02/2009
Points 607
26th October, 2012 at 26/10/2012 15:56:22 -
Yeah, thats what I did, except in the wrong place, I figured that out before I went to sleep, except it was still in the wrong place. I started it off with the (1.0/352.0)*Distance formula, though now I think my distance formula is screwed up, because at certain points it's fine, but it seems like specific angles make it goofy.
Don Luciano Heavy combat pancake
Registered 25/10/2006
Points 380
27th October, 2012 at 27/10/2012 02:09:04 -
I always do scale like this : Distance/WidthOftheObject
I am not sure why your angles make it goofy, make sure the hotspot is in the right place.
Here actually i made you an example how i do it.
EDIT: just a note i forgot, in my example i divided width by 32.0 which is the width, but height or Y scale i should have done separately with 6.o since it's only 6 pixel height... so to keep in mind maybe that could be your problem...
Edited by Don Luciano
Code me a sausage!
Chloe Sagal under the influence of FUN
Registered 19/02/2009
Points 607
27th October, 2012 at 27/10/2012 16:33:31 -
Yeah my problem was purely the distance formula. It was late, and I always forget it, and i was reading sketchy's article where he wrote it as:
Distance = Sqr(((A.x - B.x)*(A.x - B.x)) + ((A.x - B.x)*(A.x - B.x)))
Sketchy, I am dissapoint...
But yeah, I figured it out after the last post, I just forgot to post that I figured it out mah bad.
HA! Advanced direction object! You're just as mathematically inept as me! BWAHAHAA
Sketchy Cornwall UK
Registered 06/11/2004
Points 1971
27th October, 2012 at 27/10/2012 18:32:02 -
Ooops - that's what happens when you copy & paste half an expression and forget to replace the Xs with Ys.
I seem to remember noticing that before, but the article editing function was broken for ages.
Could have used "pow" too:
sqr(((A.x - B.x) pow 2) + ((A.y - B.y) pow 2))
Chloe Sagal under the influence of FUN
Registered 19/02/2009
Points 607
27th October, 2012 at 27/10/2012 19:29:16 -
Originally Posted by Sketchy pow 2
You have just redeemed yourself!