I'm trying to make a game where the player stats are unlimited but the gain from them decreases as more points are added (to infinity).
For instance: speed = speedstat*(curve formula)
I have tried quadratic (x^2) but this still isn't right and I want to invert it to get the desired effect. How can I do this?
Also I want to have a counter that increases/decreases it's speed based on the value of another counter. I'm using a custom timer for the count.
So far I have a working example but I would like a gentler curve for the increase. Right now (I think) it's exponential but I would like something like a quadratic or sin movement (without the downturn) so that it never hits a wall but the speed increases quite a bit (but not as much as I have it now) at the start then gradually increases less and less as the counter goes up.
My maths is awful so I would greatly appreciate any help here