Posted By
Registered 03/11/2008
Points 604
27th October, 2014 at 27/10/2014 22:44:20 -
im trying to change an alterable value have it set to a different alterable value, plus a second one. so alterable value of object 1 (o1) is o2's alterable value A, plus 03s alterable value A. so... im wanting o1's AA = o2's AA + o3s AA. i keep getting a syntax error though. heres what the actual lines look like.
>Default Health( "Bot Stats" )+HP MOD( "Head Part Stats")
[Game design makes my brain feel like its gonna explode.]
Registered 03/11/2008
Points 604
27th October, 2014 at 27/10/2014 23:30:57 -
ok so this is even more frustrating than i though. i tried to set a spot in an array to an alterable value of an object. it worked with object 1, but i do the EXACT SAME THING with object 2 and get a syntax error. what the hell? and i also think i managed to figure out what was wrong with my previous syntax, but when i got it right it said cannot mix strings and numbers, but im grabbing 2 alterable VALUES not string. so whats mmf2s issue here?
Totally not trying to spam my own post here but i opened a secondary test file and in the new one i discovered that i could do exactly what im trying to do as long as i do not name my active objects alterable values. any particular reason for this? its going to make it incredibly complicated to keep up with all these different alterable values... i have to do this code for 5 values on 5 different objects. gonna get kinda confusing...
Edited by siven
[Game design makes my brain feel like its gonna explode.]
Registered 17/05/2002
Points 7234
28th October, 2014 at 28/10/2014 11:28:00 -
I'm not sure if this would throw an error but Arrays are "text arrays" by default, so if you're using it to store values you may have to change it to a number array in the object properties first.
Registered 03/11/2008
Points 604
28th October, 2014 at 28/10/2014 23:14:58 -
oh ok thanks! ill keep that in mind for future reference. im sure im gonna need it later.
[Game design makes my brain feel like its gonna explode.]