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Registered 11/04/2015 21:20:09
Points 142
28th December, 2016 at 28/12/2016 02:20:17 -
im having problems with the bouncing ball movement.
im making a boss battle, this boss has multiple movements, when damaged the boss plays a "hurt animation" and changing to tthe pinball movement, when the movement is stopped it chnges back to the normal movenet but when that happens it doesnt bounce, it does collide in the same layer since when coliding the boss shakes the screen but i dont know why it doesnt bounce, any one kknows why does this happen?
Registered 29/12/2014 18:58:20
Points 152
30th December, 2016 at 30/12/2016 11:23:15 -
The "normal movement" is bouncing ball?
Well tried recreating your problem. The change between the pinball and bouncing ball movement is not the problem. I think the weakness must be somewhere in the animationcondition.
What condition makes the movement stops?
How does your "screenshakes" work? This could also make collision freak out depending on your way of shaking.
I am not a hero... never was... never will be.
Registered 11/04/2015 21:20:09
Points 142
4th January, 2017 at 04/01/2017 00:39:31 -
so right now i have fixed the problem, it was the order of the events.
now i have another problem, boss bounces to the right or left sometimes on the detectors when it isnt supossed making it unavoidable to take damage i dont know if thers a way to limit the movements.
Registered 07/07/2008
Points 49667
8th January, 2017 at 08/01/2017 05:22:30 -
It's difficult to come up with a solution for your problem without knowing exactly how it's setup.
You could post some screenshots of your code, or just type the code out and I might be able to help you.
Registered 11/04/2015 21:20:09
Points 142
11th January, 2017 at 11/01/2017 20:06:18 -
sorry ofr the late answer and lack of infomation.
the events follow like this and it only happens when hurt
+Collision between "Shell" and "WormHead"
. "WormHead" Animation "Scream" is playing
. "Shell" Speed is grater than 6
-Change "WormHead" Animation "Choke"
+Collsion between "GroundDet"and "WormHead"
. "Player" Grav Greater than 0
. "WormHead" Animation "Choke" is playing
-Change "WormHead" Animation "Hurt"
-Change "WormBody" Animation "Hurt"
-Change "WormHead" movement to 1 (Pinball)
-Set "Player" Grav to -6
+"WormHead" Speed is lower ir equal than 0
. "WormHead" Animation "Hurt" is playing
-Change "WormHead" Animation "Angry"
-Change "WormBody" Animation "Angry"
-Play sample "WormScream"
+"WormScream" is not playing
. "WormHead" Animation "Angry" is playing
. Only one action when event loops
-Change "WormHead" Animation "Stopped"
-Change "WormBody" Animation "Stopped"
-Set "WormHead" AtkTimer to 0
-Change "WormHead" movement to 0 (Bounce)
-Movement Start
-Set direction to 4 or 12
Registered 07/07/2008
Points 49667
12th January, 2017 at 12/01/2017 19:15:56 -
So what exactly are you trying to accomplish. I can't really tell much from looking at the code you typed out.
Registered 11/04/2015 21:20:09
Points 142
13th January, 2017 at 13/01/2017 02:01:56 -
sorry if its being too confusing
im trying to find a way to limit a boss`s movement direction
its primary form of attack its bouncing around the room, however since its big and doesnt have a predictable bounce sometimes it bounces to left or right wich then causes to take unavoidable damage.
i dont want it to bounce to left or right, i want it to keep bouncing in diagonals that are predictable.