Posted By
 Joshtek Administrator
The Archivist
Registered 02/01/2002
Points 4057
14th December, 2020 at 14/12/2020 16:43:44 -
What games do you think are in the calibre of Destruction Carnival, Jonny RPG and the Spirit Engine that people should try out to see what can be achieved using Clickteam's software?
I personally was always fond of the adventure games such as That Night Before and spent a lot of time playing multiplayer games like Tank Wars Online, SmileyHouse, and Smiley Kombat Gold and so polish came second to fun social gameplay. However, I really admired games that managed to have a high degree of professionalism and polish, from custom movement engines to great graphics and sound tracks.
Edited by an Administrator
:: Joshtek ::
Oreos? GO! OREOS!
 AndyUK Mascot Maniac
Registered 01/08/2002
Points 14586
15th December, 2020 at 15/12/2020 01:34:28 -
Remember Tormishire? That would have been utterly amazing had James pulled it off. There isn't a playable version of it available anywhere though so I can't exactly suggest that.
If I'm allowed to I'd say my game Lil' pirate is a nice proper full finished game that I absoultely loved making and sadly never followed up.
I like to think i still have a good game or two left in me given proper motivation to actually make it.
Edited by AndyUK
 Knockturnal Nothing to see here turn back
Registered 11/04/2008
Points 354
15th December, 2020 at 15/12/2020 16:46:39 -
I remember everyone raving about Eternal Daughter back in the day. I suppose it is rather polished. I also find Konjak's Noitu Love to look and feel very professional.
Personally, the Knytt series by Nifflas sticks with me. Simple, fun and atmospheric metroidvania games. (I see that one of them is the all-time most favorited on here. If I'm not wrong he was the first to get a console release for a Click game? It was on the original Wii anyway).
Then There's Lyle in Cube Sector, also one of the tops on this page. I have some good memories of that and the art is quirky and fun.
Though it should be said that my memory of the Click scene is a little hazy, so I'm sure there are ones that should come to mind, but don't. Some that I enjoyed thoroughly, but wasn't perhaps quite up there were; a game I think was called Clock Tower? It was a Wario-Ware like timed platformer where you had to complete rooms on a timer. I also remember enjoying some pretty cute games by a creator called Silvernova, like a Cave Story-like that was called Ever Eternal Winter World, but I don't think it close to measures up to those other mentioned in polish. Either way, if I remember them I suppose it was decent.
Success-wise I guess Five nights at Freddy's is the most accomplished Click game, even though I haven't played it and it isn't my kind of game.
Are all those mentioned so far recorded somewhere? I hope so. I'm sure I could go on... Though over the years to me it doesn't matter what engine a game is made in anymore - with that being said a lot of hidden gems were to come out of Clickteam's products!
EDIT: Lord, I had forgotten Jonny RPG. That brought back some great memories!
Edited by Knockturnal
Professional vaporware developer
 Joshtek Administrator
The Archivist
Registered 02/01/2002
Points 4057
16th December, 2020 at 16/12/2020 13:10:28 -
All great games, and you're not the only one who is fond of Lil' Pirate so perfectly allowed to mention it. While I don't remember Tormishire, I do remember Dr James MD's other game Satan Sam.
In terms of the Clock Tower game, do you mean Treasure Tower by David Newton: and ?
As for Knytt, I just checked and it seems like Knytt Underground made it to the Wii U back in 2013:
Definitely agree that FNAF managed to be the breakout Click game in terms of fame. There was also a lot of streamer interest in 'I Wanna Be the Guy', partially due to its difficulty and presumably also due to its homages and interesting gameplay mechanics.
A number of the classics are listed in the Klik Museum at or are listed as recommendations at
:: Joshtek ::
Oreos? GO! OREOS!
 Knockturnal Nothing to see here turn back
Registered 11/04/2008
Points 354
16th December, 2020 at 16/12/2020 16:52:11 -
Yes, Treasure Tower! I knew it wasn't called Clock Tower because that is a classic Horror game. (Which I recently learned is set in my home country for no apparent reason). But I couldn't really recall what else it would have been...
Man I had forgotten that IWBTG was a Click game. Definitely a memorable game and a very influential one. I remember it as being the first of the whole onslaught of "unfair" flash (and later mobile) games. That being said, I don't see myself wanting to replay or finish it haha... I don't think it was the first "unfair" game either - that might have been Cat Mario.
Anyway, it might be time to relive some of these memories
EDIT: This thread made me go back and rediscover my favorites. It was to my surprise that I found out that Floating Islands Game was made by the same guy who did the smash indie hit Baba is You just a few years back! Cool to see Click people going places!
Edited by Knockturnal
Professional vaporware developer
 AndyUK Mascot Maniac
Registered 01/08/2002
Points 14586
20th December, 2020 at 20/12/2020 18:35:59 -
I actually saw some Five Nights at Freddy's toys in Tesco once.
 Hayo Stone Goose
Registered 15/08/2002
Points 6949
24th December, 2020 at 24/12/2020 17:59:50 -
I am terrible with playing other peoples' games really. I would mention a game here but it would be something made by a friend.
Registered 14/05/2010
Points 1708

7th February, 2021 at 07/02/2021 15:29:07 -
I think Merry Gear Solid 2: secret santa by Pixel prospector was one of the most polished. It was also a great flex of technical feats by the creator. There was a stage where you had to unzip a "grenade" file and drop it into the game window to defeat the boss.
Registered 14/07/2002
Points 641
12th February, 2021 at 12/02/2021 20:34:06 -
I remember liking very much a puzzle game called Diabolika. I just googled it and found out it was made by the same people that made Eternal Daughter. You know, ED really never quite caught me, I only played like the first level. On the other hand I remember playing Diabolika many times.
Also, I'd like to mention Triumph War 2099. I used to play it with some friends who didn't know about Clickteam or anything. I just showed it to them and we enjoyed playing it regularly.
Edited by :JULI@N:
Registered 04/03/2021 04:10:55
Points 212
9th September, 2021 at 09/09/2021 17:12:05 -
just played Revenge of the Sunfish by jacob, loved it, maybe it was inspired by einor, not the greatest tho, not sure which thread this post would fit
Edited by yma
Registered 12/09/2021 10:21:39
Points 202
13th September, 2021 at 13/09/2021 03:30:40 -
I really liked "Mayhem 3"
The overall engine and physics are well done
Nicely polished, and a good game overall
A nerd