Mine was Hover Wars II, I must have gotten like 20 e-mails from people that liked it. About three or four months ago I started another sequel but abandoned it because Gateway was more important. When Gateway is done with, I think I will make Hover Wars III. I lost the game though . If anyone still has hover wars II on their machine could you please PM me?
As far as popular between my friends it would be Seal Clubbing. Back when I was in school I'd have people coming up to me during break and telling me how many seals they'd clubbed. It was like a competition between (hoenestly) about 30 people in my school. And I'm talkinga bout 18 year old high school seniors. But anyway, that game isn't allowed on here (already tried it). If anyone wants to see it just PM me. It's pretty crappy but it started quite a riot between friends.
I guess most popular on here would have to be Beach Invasion. Probably.
My crappy tutorial thing I made a year ago or something, was up to the 8th most downloaded program on this site, In the top 10 at for a long time until suddenly, for no reason it got erased off the site, and I dont have it to put back on again either. Dont think I would anyway though, since I can do FAR FAR better stuff than what was in that, that was just a program for beginners, made it in 5 hrs or something.