Showing the picture up and going down slowly like ex: Pacman Worlds Menu when it shows from up at first and going down slowly to the bottom of the frame.
You could do what JonWoG said. Make whatever you're showing an active object and have it use path movement to make it go back and forth.
Or, if you NEED whatever you're showing to be a backdrop object, just create a little active object, like a circle, or something, and give IT a path movement to go back and forth through whatever you're showing. Then, do these events.
Start of Frame- make "Camera" (the little circle) invisible.
Always- Center frame on 0,0 of "Camera"
If you want something else to scroll along it later, just have, say, an counter/ use alterable values for before and after the camera's movement is done. To do that just change the "Always" event, and add one, like so.
Always/Alterable Value A of Camera = 0- Center frame on 0,0 of "Camera"
"Camera" has reached the end of it's path- Add 1 to alterable value A of "Camera"
Always/Alterable Value A of "Camera" = 1- Center Frame on 0,0 of "Active Object 1" (a character)
Substitute that second 0,0 for whatever you want, or possbily another camera that moves along WITH the character, for a more dynamic view.
you dont know path movement... YOU DONT KNOW PATH MOVEMNET. HAHAHASHAHAHAHAHAHJSDHVDNEWGVDBHBGKJBHJH...... BEEEPPPPPPPP (Spiderhead dies on laughter but gets ressurected in 3 days)
You have to select the first node of the path (so that the entire line is flashing) before trying to change the speed. If you don't do this, you will have just set the speed to 1 at the end, when the object is no longer moving - the last node is the one selected by default.