Wow, I've just got about 68 people on my list. I feel so small. Address is if anyone wants to add me.
I don't recognize half the people on my list and talk to even less of them. If only half the people on my list weren't complete idiots that I've met randomly on DALnet, I'd actually strike up a random conversation once in a while.
Disclaimer: Any sarcasm in my posts will not be mentioned as that would ruin the purpose. It is assumed that the reader is intelligent enough to tell the difference between what is sarcasm and what is not.
oh well...this seems to be a very old topic...oh well, however my msn address is this one. if anyone want add me, he's welcome
Hang on about Shadz, last year you mentioned you had 500 contacts on your msn, how is that when it can only support 150 contacts. You have some kinda special version of msn or something? (highly doubtable but you never know)
I have about 10 contacts from TDC, because 139 of them are real people that I know, the other person is me adding myself and creating a group called Sexy People only, people who stand proud in that group is myself and my girlfriend. That's nucking futs! (I watched Dickhead Roberts: Former Child Star in science)
Trillian is just wonderful. However, when I go back to college I have to use the chat programs seperately due to the firewall. So, if you want to add me, and have AIM, use the AIM one because that's what I leave turned on more often.
AIM: Radix Ancient
...don't try to email the MSN addy, ever. It's been chock full of spam for over three years already; I only use it for MSN.