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LittleGuy (Ecstasy Studios)

30th July, 2003 at 16:40:13 -

I havn't been able to post any articles from my acount in serveral months now. I click the make an artical button or whatever and get directed here:

Im sure the admins could tell me what this page is for - It just says: please post your artical from

A Crusader for the LittleGuy's

Click Cell, a full fat community site,


30th July, 2003 at 16:52:14 -

Try here:


LittleGuy (Ecstasy Studios)

30th July, 2003 at 16:58:16 -

that too redirects me to the page i siad

A Crusader for the LittleGuy's

Click Cell, a full fat community site,


Mascot Maniac


Game of the Week WinnerSecond GOTW AwardHas Donated, Thank You!VIP Member
30th July, 2003 at 19:29:57 -

mabye deleting all your cookies will help you get to the page you want

at one point i had to log in everytime i went to a different section of the site.


Assault Andy

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Game of the Week WinnerVIP Member360 OwnerGOTM JUNE - 2009 - WINNER!GOTM FEB - 2010 - WINNER!	I donated an open source project
31st July, 2003 at 01:58:51 -

Yeah, works fine for me. Clean out your temp files and such.


Creator of Faerie Solitaire:
Also creator of ZDay20 and Dungeon Dash.


Possibly Insane

31st July, 2003 at 02:18:58 -

Go to and try it.

gone fishin'




Game of the Week WinnerI'm an alien!Has Donated, Thank You!VIP Member360 OwnerI'm on a Boat
31st July, 2003 at 05:56:45 -

Help you? Your going insane... over a problem with the article feature... how very sad.

- Space Quest II Deluxe -


Savior of the Universe

31st July, 2003 at 10:20:08 -

Or maybe you need to use a different type of browser, e.g. IE doesn't work for me with The Daily Click but Opera does.

LittleGuy (Ecstasy Studios)

31st July, 2003 at 10:23:17 -

Hey Brommie,
say you had a car and everytime you turned the key in the lock it siad: 'please put the key in the lock'. You'd go abit mad too.

A Crusader for the LittleGuy's

Click Cell, a full fat community site,


31st July, 2003 at 11:42:23 -

If you use IE, I'd say scrap it. Netscape has more power, more capability, and more loading time. Opera is apparently better than netscape, but I've never tried it.

Netscape works for all the sites I look at...


Kirby Smith

Resident Slacker


VIP Member360 OwnerWii OwnerThe Cake is a Lie
31st July, 2003 at 11:54:55 -

Netscape? Better? Ha! Everytime I use Netscape, pages get screwed up out the ying-yang, the program crashes every five minutes, and it seems like it cuts my connection speed in half (probably the way it loads and displays images/html files). Stick with Internet Explorer, and just make sure you have the newest version. Microsoft bundled it with the operating system for a reason.

XBL Gamertag: Rampant Mjolnir


31st July, 2003 at 12:14:38 -

Netscape doesn't work as well on newer OS for a reason - microsoft doesn't give them the information to make it entirely compatible(they are a competator).

Netscape has more loading time. On slower comps it may seem like lots, but for me it's only the difference of 0.25 seconds and 1 second to load a page. On slower comps though if it took 6 seconds to display a page, it would suck to use netscape(6X4=24 seconds)

What ver of netscape? The beta vers are awful...which is why I never get betas. I wait until the new beta is out, and then download the old, perfectly working version.

Internet Explorer is designed for newer OS. Mainly windows XP. It sucks on windows 98(my comp anyway). It also follows too many of the netscape 7 does...
That's why I use netscape 6, which ignores all the server requests like "password required for download" etc. from gamespy, geocities, etc.

Aside from that, IE is riddled with bugs when using javascript/java. I made some perfectly working test pages for javascript in netscape. After IE decided to become the main browser(it found +7 errors in each page) I deleted it.

I asked 27 people I knew to try to load in the gamecastle at and for 100% of them IE wouldn't load it.

This is acceptable, however, as netscape was the original creator of javascript(microsoft made vbscript, etc.) and for java...well, IE just sucks there.

Note: the 27 people(friends on Trillian) had varying OS(XP, ME, win2000, win9



31st July, 2003 at 12:17:59 -

By the way, netscape 4 is way outdated(it screws up all new pages), because it does not support ASP or CGI!!!!

The newer netscapes are better...well, netscape 6 anyway.


Kirby Smith

Resident Slacker


VIP Member360 OwnerWii OwnerThe Cake is a Lie
31st July, 2003 at 12:27:07 -

The last version of Netscape I used was Netscape 6, and it's loading times were god-awful -- believe me, I have an awesome rig, so it's not a result of a slow computer. As for the java/java scripting stuff, I wouldn't know much about that, but I do know that I will write HTML code that works perfectly well in IE, it usually screws up when I open it up in Netscape. For example, the image-scaling based on percentage of screen width always glitches up in Netscape, and a lot of my allignment and table structures get all screwy. I haven't used IE on a pre-XP operating system in about 1.5 years, so I really can't say much about it on lesser OS's. In any case, it's probably dependent on what operating system it's running on, and what you want to do with the program. I know for me, IE is the better option, but to each, his own.

XBL Gamertag: Rampant Mjolnir

The Chris Street

Unspeakably Lazy Admin


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31st July, 2003 at 12:35:39 -

You're going insane? Welcome to my world.



Evil Faker

31st July, 2003 at 12:45:37 -

Circy, your past insane...

My signature is never too big!!!


31st July, 2003 at 13:02:56 -

As the avatar shows..




31st July, 2003 at 18:24:16 -

Oh, just download Firebird. ( Lovely browser. Shame that the IFRAME doesn't display when you add a reply. (IFRAMEs were evil anyway)


LittleGuy (Ecstasy Studios)

3rd August, 2003 at 13:09:40 -

I have IE V6 and I think its a damn good browser.
Sure the people at Netscape invented JavaScript, but which browser runs more JavaScript than Netscape...
Internet Explorer.

Theres nothing wrong with my browser, I think this problem is due to the site and a glitch in my user file thingy. I've tried everything else, other browsers, disabled firewall etc.

A Crusader for the LittleGuy's

Click Cell, a full fat community site,


3rd August, 2003 at 13:44:16 -

Um.....ok. "I have IE V6 and I think its a damn good browser." even though it doesn't do what you want it to...

P.S. Yes, Microsoft has "added" onto javascript, but that would be like netscape making patches for your windows. (that would suck..and it does)

Hey, I have IE 6 too, and I get the same page as you in it.(I keep it around so I can gloat about how it doesn't work! )
Just download netscape, or firebird, or opera, or any other(new) browser and it will work!

I'm afraid you'll just have to face that IE doesn't work for many new sites...

Oh, and it's kinda like there are 2 groups, IE in one, and the other browsers in the other. Which group will most sites cater to if they can't cater to both? The larger group, ofcourse.

Image Edited by the Author.


LittleGuy (Ecstasy Studios)

3rd August, 2003 at 14:29:47 -

I have IE V6 and I think its a damn good browser.
Sure the people at Netscape invented JavaScript, but which browser runs more JavaScript than Netscape...
Internet Explorer.

Theres nothing wrong with my browser, I think this problem is due to the site and a glitch in my user file thingy. I've tried everything else, other browsers, disabled firewall etc.

A Crusader for the LittleGuy's

Click Cell, a full fat community site,


4th August, 2003 at 13:07:11 -

Why did you repeat your post? I just GAVE you the answer. IE doesn't work on my comp either! Old Netscape versions don't either! New Netscape versions do! Javascript runs with errors on IE even if it supports more code. IE loads faster, but runs slower. Games like BARP nearly freeze it while netscape doesn't have any problems calculating all that info.



4th August, 2003 at 13:11:16 -

Microsoft is too busy improving windows and making games to boost IE up to Netscape's level.(Which is caused by having an entire company devoted to one thing.) They try though, by making IE support more code than other browsers...(which is good..unless IE hits a bug and doesn't read the site in the article posting page)


LittleGuy (Ecstasy Studios)

5th August, 2003 at 05:45:29 -

sorry, I dont know how my post got repeated like that, I8 must of pressed the submit button twice or posted it then came back later and refreshed the page

A Crusader for the LittleGuy's

Click Cell, a full fat community site,

LittleGuy (Ecstasy Studios)

5th August, 2003 at 06:04:01 -

However many times I explian that IE is fine someone says its not, I just download 12MB worth of Opera and geuss what, I have the exact same problem still.

And now that I'm running opera I can say it looks nicer and has a few extra features but it seems to run websites no better than IE

A Crusader for the LittleGuy's

Click Cell, a full fat community site,

Long John Kickbag

5th August, 2003 at 07:49:22 -

Kramy: No browser support server side-scripting languages (CGI, ASP) as such, the whole point is it happens on the server side and it just spits out HTML that the browsers can understand.

As for the problem, it isn't a problem in the browser or this site, something is stopping it sending the referer address, which is just the URL that you got to that page from. I'm assuming based on the message and the fact I got redirected when I typed the URL into the address bar which means it doesn't have a referer. Strangely enough it only does this referer checking thing with the new articles page. The only thing I've known to stop it is a firewall, but you said you tried disabling it. Try disabling the firewall starting up when you log in.

Resize! -


5th August, 2003 at 12:23:38 -

Erik: Old browsers recieve spit they don't understand.

Although I have no way of proving this(because of the address bar, and even if it was that, it's easily changable) I do have some screenshots of IE not loading in the page, and netscape loading it in. I suppose the only way to really prove this is to download opera and test it on my pc. If opera doesn't work for me, LittleGuy will just have to download netscape to test it...

The only problem though would be that every time I install a new browser it "takes over" my system, installing junk, and altering all the commands I can perform on files. When my dad reinstalled IE Html files stopped working. It was a pain getting the ability to load in webpages back.

BTW. If you ask me to explain how it did that I'd be glad to.


Long John Kickbag

5th August, 2003 at 12:36:42 -

Even if they don't understand the output HTML it doesn't mean they can't display ASP or CGI pages, it just means they can't display the HTML. It has no relationship to them being ASP or CGI Pages.

I personally have never had any problems with Internet Explorer displaying pages except one time when I writing a PHP script and I forgot to make sure a tag was closed in a table. This was of course my own fault though and the problem was small (just a small bit of weird writing under the table sometimes). If you have any HTML pages which aren't displayed properly in Internet Explorer then I wouldn't mind seeing them.

Resize! -


5th August, 2003 at 13:57:22 - is one.

I used to have loads of pages IE didn't like(almost 40, with different bits of code)...but then I fixed them so they worked on both IE and Netscape....

I guess it comes down to personal preference. I have had AWFUL experiences with IE, and it sucks, working mediocrely on my windows 98. I suppose if you have a newer version of windows, which it would be more geared toward, it would work better.

P.S. By "a browser which supports CGI/ASP" I meant it understands the output from whatever server-side program interprets the input sent by your browser. An example is Netscape 4.x(used to have it) did not "support CGI".(of course, but I meant the output/input) Why? Because when it went to a CGI page it couldn't load any background, and the input boxes showed up weird. Netscape also couldn't figure out how to post stuff because it didn't understand the button code, and coincedentally, couldn't send data to whatever server-side program interprets it. This caused problems server-side(no message) which is why Netscape 4.x couldn't post messages on some forums that used CGI for me.

FutureKid originally made a CGI forum that netscape 4.x understood, but as new features were added, it couldn't make heads nor tales out of the output from the server. The result was me upgrading to netscape 6.2, which reads the "CGI" pages just fine.("CGI" meaning the server output to my browser, which in no way indicates my browser reads CGI, which it does not.)

Yeesh, you'd think you were a lawyer. You pick apart every bit of sloppy language in my posts.


Long John Kickbag

5th August, 2003 at 17:03:47 -

Ah, fair enough about no support for forms. Not understanding CGI pages at all sounds weird though, it's not like they require any changes in the HTTP stuff sent. For pages that don't load properly I meant the HTML source of them, as obviously I don't get the problem you do on that page. As for being a lawyer, hehe.

Resize! -

LittleGuy (Ecstasy Studios)

5th August, 2003 at 17:41:58 -

I have Internet Explorer 6 SP1 and Windows XP Home SP1
I used to be able to make articles on this setup, now I can't.

IE is fine for me, If you ask me the majority of sites are made for and tested on it. I have been arounda few forums lately and witnessed a lot of bad press for IE, but I don't get what's wrong with it.

A Crusader for the LittleGuy's

Click Cell, a full fat community site,


6th August, 2003 at 13:05:14 -

You must have the newest(or a fairly new...I have win 9 version of windows or its buggy.


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