Posted By
Registered 12/06/2003
Points 1683
17th August, 2003 at 04:23:52 -
Is there a platform movement extension that fixes up all the glitches in TGF or MMF? If so where can you get it?
Assault Andy Administrator
I make other people create vaporware
Registered 29/07/2002
Points 5686
17th August, 2003 at 04:35:44 -
No. You should use detectors or custom movement instead.
Creator of Faerie Solitaire:
Also creator of ZDay20 and Dungeon Dash.
Registered 12/06/2003
Points 1683
17th August, 2003 at 05:59:07 -
What are detectors?
Klikmaster Master of all things Klik
Registered 08/07/2002
Points 2599
17th August, 2003 at 08:55:29 -
detectors are active objects you position next to your guy, so it knows when it colliding with an object. its all part of a custom movement
Aali [Crazy_Productions]
Registered 13/10/2002
Points 843
17th August, 2003 at 12:32:52 -
you should avoid making 2 identical topics..
"If Darl McBride was in charge, he'd probably make marriage unconstitutional too, since clearly it de-emphasizes the commercial nature of normal human interaction, and probably is a major impediment to the commercial growth of prostitution."
-- Linus Torvalds, December 5th 2003.
(Darl McBride is CEO of The SCO Group)
this place sucks but don't tell anyone, it's our little secret, ok?