Today, 9-11, would be the day 2 years ago, we lost the twin towers along with thousends of people who worked there. Here I would like to post a little story (True, I don't know) found last year while searching the internet. I am just going to post it the way I saw it.
I was in school while it happened, my mom was going to work on the 76th floor of the 2nd tower. She had my dad drive her to work & when she left the car she had forgotten her perse. My dad saw her perse & went into the tower to return it to her. When he got to the 76th floor was when the plane had crashed into the tower. Soon after was comming to a close I was called down to the offence. I was then told it will be alright. I was lost in confused as they walked me out into a police car & they drove me to an orphan house, & that was when I found out. My mom & dad had both died in the building as it fell to the ground.
Now I ask for everyone at DC to please post a prayer for all the people who were lost on this day.
War sucks; that was what it was an act of war which became know as the war on terror... I dont think the world can last for more then 50 years; it would only take ONE nuke to start a nuke war that would make us all dead, but unlike in the pop50s game fallout there will be (almost) no life after the blasts
The US has extensive underground facilities under the nevada desert. I'm guess if there ever was a nuclear war, the US government would be quite well protected. I feel sorry for all the people that died that day...almost more than the millions of people dieing of thirst in Africa .gif"></IMG>
On a happier note, I finally got rid of my 10 year old monitor, and got a brand-new 17 inch one, that my dad won on a bet.
NP, Peat, everyone has there own beleaves.
I still get shakey though everytime I hear that story I wrote. Something so simple like going to work, killed her mom & something as simple as her mom forgetting her purse killed her dad. She has no one to live by & from what I remember was only 14, maybe 15 I don't know.
I was watching Channel One news at school yesterday & they still can't find anyone who can tell there story of there losses without breaking in tears. I wouldn't be able to tell my story eather. But I still think its great how well US can pull together & keep each other compiny when its needed.
Heck, in that time my teacher said the plain crash in PA was just about 10 miles from are school & if it would have been delated any less then a minute it could have hit the school I'm in right now. So they would have been nailing more then just thousends of adults at work, but close to hundreds of kids in middle school!! *Thank God*
At least September Eleventh has been remembered, it has had memorials. etc.
Unlike a lot of ongoing issues, it has had great media coverage.
Which, in a way, is disappointing. That one event which has already happend can get the medias eye, but an ongoing event which could be stopped - Has not.
I feel very sad about this incident, but no more so than all the others.
Iraq will likely be much better off a few years from now, much better off than under Saddam. The situation would never improve without the war, and Saddam would only become more of a threat in the future. Saying "war is bad" is of course true but it is sometimes necessary. If you will actually think with your brain instead of your emotions you will see why spiderhead.
99 percent chance that the above post is 100 percent correct.
Mr. Coffee: It sucks that it is sometimes required. It also sucks that the US waited so long to start the war. If they'd deposed saddam when they originally had the chance they would have had the Iraqi people's appreciation.