Felix , Your designs are nice, but they're all pretty similar. You have some talent with the visual arts, though, despite your reliance on the programs you use.
Who voted you overall best avatar/banner maker? I'm not trying to put you down or deny your talent, but anyone with those programs can do the same stuff in a matter of minutes.
For those who want to make their own avatars, to avoid stretching of the image (such as OneEyedParrot's old avatar), make it 60x56 pixels. Also, make sure you upload it to a server that allows direct linking, such as freewebs, or you won't be able to see it on this site.
Oh, Felix , good on you for saving others the time and effort of making their own avatars/banners. It's a helpful thing you're doing!
"I applaud you Chris." - Hurrah! And don't worry Marine, I'm just glad that he put it on his website without knowing
Anyway, fire, it was a joke, it's funny when people don't realise something and it's (almost) obvious to everyone else. Maybe I'm sadistic but I don't care.
btw. Klik-Me would love it if you submitted your site to them