I made a custom engine, its not very good but it'll do for my first custom engine. I originally thought I would only need springs for my character to get around, but now I realize that I will need ladders. So I tried to add it into my code and it just won't work! Here's the address: www.geocities.com/xcomgames/laddertest.zip
(geocities isn't working on my computer right now, maybe the site's down or something so this link might not work for a little while)
Well the ladder works fine for me! whats wrong with it?
oh and geocities isn't down, it's just that you have to right click the link and save target as.
If you jump when in front of a ladder, he mounts it
He doesn't do the climbing animation when climbing
After you climb the ladder you can't change directions
Well that's what happens when I run it anyways lol