Posted By
Registered 20/05/2002
Points 158
8th November, 2003 at 11:49:12 -
If I try to read external files in MMF it work only in .cca form. When I compile application to .exe it is trying to read file located in last directory of .cca. In TGF everything is ok. Example:
C:\XXX.cca - reading external file C:\XXX.mp3
[compilation, copying all files to GAME directory and running XXX.exe]
c:\GAME\XXX.exe - reading external file C:\XXX.mp3
How to make this work?
Nuke Soft
Registered 08/09/2002
Points 1103
8th November, 2003 at 12:18:34 -
make the path like ".\thingy.mp3" if you didn't already...that makes the .exe file look for the mp3 in the same dir as the .exe file
Registered 20/05/2002
Points 158
8th November, 2003 at 13:35:32 -
I tried to write this:
TotalName$( "File", "xxx.mp3" ) <= File Object
My only conception is to use the File Object to open a directory selector. User must open directory with this files, and then path is saved to INI. But it is somewhat stupid
Nuke Soft
Aali [Crazy_Productions]
Registered 13/10/2002
Points 843
8th November, 2003 at 16:49:47 -
then, you've done something wrong
"If Darl McBride was in charge, he'd probably make marriage unconstitutional too, since clearly it de-emphasizes the commercial nature of normal human interaction, and probably is a major impediment to the commercial growth of prostitution."
-- Linus Torvalds, December 5th 2003.
(Darl McBride is CEO of The SCO Group)
this place sucks but don't tell anyone, it's our little secret, ok?
ChrisB Crazy?
Registered 16/08/2002
Points 5457
8th November, 2003 at 17:59:03 -
You have done something wrong, because Appdrive$ + Appdir$ + "File" will work correctly. Did you make sure you're running XXX.exe and not the CCA in MMF?
ShadowCaster Possibly Insane
Registered 02/01/2002
Points 2203
8th November, 2003 at 22:16:06 -
Appdrive$ + Appdir$ + "myfile.ext" works fine in MMF, but I seem to remember the older packages not adding the slash automatically. Since your using TGF you should try:
Appdrive$ + Appdir$ + "\myfile.ext"
A good way to test it's loading the correct directory is to have a string object display the result of that expression, so you can make sure it's reading from the right place. Obviously you'd remove that before compiling the final version
"Now I guess we're... 'Path-E-Tech Management'" -Dilbert
Registered 20/05/2002
Points 158
9th November, 2003 at 03:07:50 -
In CCA everything is ok, but when I save it to EXE it reads a file from the last CCA directory.
App***$'s aren't working- they read drive/directory/filename from the path of CCA, not EXE. This is really weird...
Nuke Soft
ShadowCaster Possibly Insane
Registered 02/01/2002
Points 2203
9th November, 2003 at 03:58:02 -
Appdrive$ and Appdir$ dont read the CCA directory unless you've done something weird. They always refer to the current directory. Make a small example of what your doing and upload the CCA so I can compare.
In MMF the only time those constants wont equal the directory where the EXE exists is if you've used the "All-In-One Executible" option. In this case it points to the temporary directory, because that's where all the game elements are extracted when you run the all-in-one file. I suggest turning that option off and simply compiling the application rather than the project (unless you want to include an installer, in which case you should have "all-in-one" turned off anyway).
As I said, if this isnt the case then upload an example and I'll see if it happens in my machine as well (be sure to upload the CCA, not the EXE, so I can compare code.
"Now I guess we're... 'Path-E-Tech Management'" -Dilbert
Registered 20/05/2002
Points 158
9th November, 2003 at 09:20:56 -
I'm compiling only the application, not the project, so I don't use "All-in-one" option.
As I said, in CCA everything is ok. But if u check EXE and everything will be good (edit object will display real path)- it is my local problem (I haven't checked it on another PC yet).
Nuke Soft
ShadowCaster Possibly Insane
Registered 02/01/2002
Points 2203
9th November, 2003 at 17:10:08 -
RomanX: Are you sure your EXE is a current version? Because it didnt work for me the first time, but after I compiled it myself it worked as expected (all three images loaded).
"Now I guess we're... 'Path-E-Tech Management'" -Dilbert
Registered 20/05/2002
Points 158
10th November, 2003 at 01:58:12 -
Huh... maybe my MMF isn't working properly? I'll check it out. Thx for finding time
Nuke Soft