Posted By
Registered 06/01/2002
Points 1014
21st November, 2003 at 09:54:37 -
Haha, discworld rules!
Look at it this way: Computers work by thousands of circuits that are turned on and off-like a flag in click. If a certain combination of these are on, do this, etc. With a flag, there are only 2 settings, on, or off. 1, or 0. Hence Binary.
<--intelligent, witty comment here-->
David Newton (DavidN) Invisible
Registered 27/10/2002
Points 8322
21st November, 2003 at 09:56:21 -
The original topic of this seems to just get stupider each time I read it.
So in conclusion: Karl, I recommend that you beat your (ex-)friend round the head with any reasonably heavy computer science textbook. - Games, music, living in America