Posted By
Grazzum - Scorpion E
Registered 25/10/2003
Points 918
19th February, 2004 at 20:31:43 -
Why do people post stupid shit topics like this, it's irrelevant about who deleted it, I mean what're you gonna do? Just post over and over and over again, take a lesson from Jon Chambers
Teapot Does he even go here
Registered 02/10/2003
Points 2631
20th February, 2004 at 05:27:27 -
I started this topic at around 1am cos i was bored and was spamming the boards. Hahahaha board-bored hahaha. Sorry had a little too much listerine (decemberween, decemberween, coach Z's been drinking Listerine)
Grazzum - Scorpion E
Registered 25/10/2003
Points 918
21st February, 2004 at 17:46:59 -
lol, if you think that's trippy, you should try the gum like stuff
Registered 21/06/2002
Points 240
26th February, 2004 at 11:33:04 -
It's my humble opinion that Circy should never have been made Admin. (I don't remember why now.)