The Daily Click ::. Forums ::. Misc Chat ::. So, how did you all start clicking?

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Mr Icekirby

31st March, 2004 at 02:52:17 -

I owe it all to the company Maxis. I got Sim City windows edition and on it found a folder called goodies. In this folder was an installer with a demo. Tha demo was Klik and Play. I go to and see all that kliking has to offer. I got TGF then MMF... now I'm here toady!

Mr Icekirby says so!




Game of the Week WinnerVIP Member
31st March, 2004 at 06:29:21 -

I was browsing in the design and programming section of BArnes n' Noble. Then I found one book, Awesome Game Creation: No Programming Required, and bought it. It had a demo version of TGF that never expires(of course I registered later).

After finishing a bunch of simple minigames which I never released, I went looking around in the tutorials and on the Clickteam forums. There, I learned the secrets of the art of clicking.

So, now, I'm here at TDC.


The Chris Street

Unspeakably Lazy Admin


Game of the Week WinnerClickzine StaffAcoders MemberKlikCast StarVIP MemberPicture Me This Round 35 Winner!Second GOTW AwardYou've Been Circy'd!Picture Me This Round 38 Winner!GOTM December Third Place!!
I am an April FoolKliktober Special Award Tag
31st March, 2004 at 06:42:10 -

One of my friends recommended Klik and Play to me back in about 1994, when I really wanted to design computer games.. I would spend my time making level layouts on paper, hehe. And then I found The Games Factory, retailing for SIXTY quid in the now defunct Electronics Boutique... shortly after I paid for it, they reduced the freakin' price to THIRTY



31st March, 2004 at 06:46:50 -

I started when **StArA** sayed that he's making a game, nearly 2000 - Then, i clicked myself to Clickteam's website and **StArA** helped me to get KnP. Nearly after all this, (2 years) i found a link to Natomic. Then i registered to there and posted my first "published" game ever, Matrix-Mario BETA. And then .:MeMpHiS:. found a link to here. So, here i am!

Projects in development:
SuperTomppa palaa takaisin
Info: Well, a little shooter...
When its done: Summer
Percentage complete: 98%


31st March, 2004 at 07:22:05 -

I started quite some time ago ago (about six years now, I'd wager), with good 'ol KNP. Somebody passed it on to me and, having mucked about with BASIC on the C64 previously, it caught my interest right away. I made several somewhat crappy games with it, starting from breakout and eventually working up to a scrolling platform game. Eventually, I decided to move on to TGF and later on, MMF, learning various tricks and techniques from other sites. I've known about this place for over a year, but...I've also been 'inactive' for about that long

Circy - "I would spend my time making level layouts on paper, hehe."

Me too, actually! (when I was younger) My designs were naff at the time, but we all have to start somewhere...



31st March, 2004 at 09:31:30 -

I started in around 1994 or 1995 when during Christmas I was presented with a copy of KnP. I think that when I first looked around and read the cover I thought "This is great! I can finally make my own games!" I opened it and went through the tutorial movies... which didn't make much sense when I went and tried it on my own. (It told you to put up a backdrop and put a bunch of active objects on it and in the end it had the player moving across the backdrop like there was a platform under him... but when I tried it I couldn't figure out why it didn't work like the tutorial). I eventually started getting into the Internet starting with AOL, where I eventually found the AOL KnP board. I wish I could figure out where that board is now, because it's been a long time since I've been there. People didn't seem to like me there because I actually tried talking about game making stuff. >< I bought MMF upon release, and at around the same time it was announced that the Clickteam site was being brought up, which was about a year or two after I had begun using KnP.


Pete Nattress

Cheesy Bits img src/uploads/sccheesegif

31st March, 2004 at 10:57:59 -

i saw it on a splash screen on on of those crappy south park fangames. so i went to clickteam, downloaded TGF demo, been in a narcoleptic stuper ever since. must be nearly four years ago now. christ almighty doesn't time fly.


31st March, 2004 at 15:05:30 -

I probably owe it all to my brother. I wanted to make a clone of "flea circus" on games domain. I moaned about it to him, and he said there was a program called "klik'n'play" by Maxis.

Around December I discovered clickteam, and in 2001 I had TGF PRO for Christmas.

Ofcourse, I completely sucked for a year , but unlike most newbies, I hole up in a shack and become a 1337 hax0r before I show up in any communities.


Kitsune Yamato

31st March, 2004 at 16:28:02 -

I'm with Kramy on that.

Except it was a snow day and my brother and I were bored. We started toying around with it in summer (1999), but really didn't know what we were doing, so the follwing January we picked KnP back up and started working on it to make our first of many projects, Super Sonic Crash Brothers!. KnP started throwing fits, so we went to Europress and then Clickteam to get TGF. Finished 3 SSCB! games in TGF and made many others since. Four years later we've evolved from TGF use to MMF and make our games in that on a regular basis (see RyuFox Fighters 2 in the Previews). But again, like Kramy, I built up mad skillz before I showed up or put my stuff out anywhere.

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Mine's a pint of the black stuff


Game of the Week WinnerHas Donated, Thank You!VIP MemberEvil kliker
31st March, 2004 at 17:44:44 -

I've been kliking for about 5-6 years now. I got KnP free with a magazine called PC Guide or something. Then I looked up stuff on the internet and saw there were other programs, so I eventually downloaded TGF demo. A few months later, I downloaded the MMF demo and decided I wanted to use it properly so I bought the full version.

Before I had a PC, first off I owned an C64, and I used to fuck around making BASIC programs. Then after that I bought an Amiga and I fucked around making AMOS programs. I wasn't too good at programming though, so most of the stuff I made sucked.


Mr Icekirby

31st March, 2004 at 19:26:43 -

i had never even tryed basic before i found knp... haha basic is so basic

Mr Icekirby says so!


31st March, 2004 at 21:24:35 -

Hmm lets see 5 years ago I was looking threw a DBZ site when I use to watch it and found a site with DBZ games! I played them and at the time I thought it was good probably now it isnt. Anyways I talked to the creator and asked howd you do it?!? He said klik n play and ever sence Ive been planning to get a click product and got TGF a while back. Though I suck at programming I hope to get better



31st March, 2004 at 21:59:32 -

I got into RM2k and then i found a RPG with a really cool engine, and then I realized it wasn't made with RM2k, and then i asked the author what he used, and he sed "the force." a month later I learned about TGF in a worms armaggeddon forum.

"Everytime you use Kazaa, a metallica band member dies a little."
Quote Jonathon Smeby.


Possibly Insane

1st April, 2004 at 00:53:03 -

It all began for me in 1993 when I started learning QBASIC, and trying to make games with that. Me and a couple of mates worked on things together, and in 1994 one of my mates got a demo of KNP on a demo disk and I was hooked.
So I end up getting KNP for Christmas that year, and the rest is history.

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VIP Member
1st April, 2004 at 06:22:07 -

in early 1999 (now had a section called "Hack" which had a list of game development tools.. I chose the cheapest one (Knp) and eventually found #k&p... been there ever since..


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