Posted By
Registered 23/04/2004
Points 916
2nd May, 2004 at 08:15:35 -
Oh sweet mary.
Cazra Crazy?
Registered 24/07/2002
Points 4472
2nd May, 2004 at 08:28:24 -
On your keyboard, somewhere in the upper right side, you'll see a key labeled, "Print Screen" or something like that. When you're at the point where you want to take a screenshot, press that button and paste it into paint or whatever graphics program you use.
Registered 04/03/2003
Points 448
2nd May, 2004 at 17:25:24 -
It's pretty obvious, man. Take your computer screen, color it red with your own blood, place it in a circle made of internal organs, chant something about Lucifer and stuff, sacrifice a goat (or a badger. But for the love of Jebus, NOT a penguin.). And you should get a screenshot. Yup.
That's how I do it. It's completly normal.
The content above makes absolutely no sense. But I guess you've already figured that out.
Gir, do dat funky dance!
Grazzum - Scorpion E
Registered 25/10/2003
Points 918
2nd May, 2004 at 17:56:20 -
That's if you worship satan, The Enlightened Angelic way is to climb the mountain of white light, pay homage to the Lord of the Searing Chalice, then climb back down with the Branch of Orions' Fury.
(Listen to Snerlin of Neonair)
Evil Monkey
Registered 08/12/2002
Points 598
6th May, 2004 at 17:48:46 -
ALT + Print Screen only takes a picture of the active window, not the whole screen. This saves a lot of time trying to crop your screenshots.
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1.: Droid Runner (5% Complete)
Finishing Up Game Engine
DEC Stuff
Registered 07/07/2003
Points 1348
6th May, 2004 at 21:09:55 -
Hey I never knew that!
Teapot Does he even go here
Registered 02/10/2003
Points 2631
7th May, 2004 at 07:16:01 -
Thanks monkey man, I had no idea!