Thanks. Sorry the third picture's so big. It looks like it got magnified because the actual picture's not that big, and for some reason, I can't edit the post.
That's no coincidence. If it wasn't already obvious from the screenshots featuring enemies such as cardoard boxes, balloons, smurfs, and mummified chimps, I can assure you that most of the enemies in the game are similarly ridiculous. Anybody who wants to see more conventional monsters (like orcs, goblins, whatever) have plenty of other games to see them in.
Well A is that defenestrator hasn't been here in forever. And the game has already been released.
B is that topic ressurection has always been looked down on, especially when it's a four word comment that could easily be classified as spam. If it's a newb looking for help and they accidentally post in a years old topic, we'll tell them to start a new thread.
So I'll ask again, please don't ressurect 4 year old topics for no reason.
Well the pictures are great, in my opinion... And I posted here, because almost all of the old post has broken links on the pics they are asking for. So why not delete them? And when considering, that these 4 year old pics are great, why not comment them? I just wanted to show and revive great art from old TDC.
I have proven new mathematic formula to be true...