Posted By
Registered 17/03/2003
Points 69
20th May, 2004 at 19:28:14 -
I'm working on what will be an online spaceship combat game. I have a chat lobby with a user list already, but that lobby is not complete... I assume that most people here have player TankWars Online. I'm trying to figure out how to create a "games list", similar to that of TW Online. I believe that I will need to host my own, custom server to keep track of the games, which isn't a problem. The problem is that I've got no clue how to do it. ; I would greatly appreciate any help! (If my description of the problem is not clear, tell me.)
Evil omg~!
ChrisB Crazy?
Registered 16/08/2002
Points 5457
20th May, 2004 at 19:45:35 -
You don't need to use a custom server at all (although you could if you wanted )
Here's a link to an example:
Registered 17/03/2003
Points 69
20th May, 2004 at 22:40:41 -
Your example if very interesting, but I have not been able to figure out how it works (and, no offence, if it works at all o_o). Why are there two mooclick objects? Could you explain what it sends and why?
Evil omg~!
Assault Andy Administrator
I make other people create vaporware
Registered 29/07/2002
Points 5686
21st May, 2004 at 08:06:10 -
It looks good except I agree with Agent, why do you have 2 mooclick objects?
Creator of Faerie Solitaire:
Also creator of ZDay20 and Dungeon Dash.
ChrisB Crazy?
Registered 16/08/2002
Points 5457
21st May, 2004 at 12:08:43 -
It's easier to understand. I had a game list in one of my games, but I didn't use two MooClick objects like the example - I just had the game list messages send on a different subchannel not used by the main game.