Ive got this idea for a screensaver you can make. You remeber in matrix (first movie) when Neo is sleeping infront of the computer. And then he wakes up and sees trinity/morpheus or whatever talking to him. Like; wake up Neo, follow the white rabbit. You can make one with your nickname instead of Neo`s, so when you havnt tuched your computer in a while it tells you to: wake up willy...follow the white rabbit...knock knock. This is for the extreamly matrix fans out there. Download an example here: http://home.broadpark.no/~krhannev/scrns.zip
Okay, I just did that, and it really wasn't any good. No offence or anything, I know you can do some good stuff. I was just expecting something more exciting.
A better Matrix screensaver would be with those rows of green thingies (the matrix from the outside) moving down the screen. (except it's done before )