In your opinion, what's the best save-game option?
I'm asking because I need a save-game option for my new game Spyro P-oh, heck, you know. Anyway, what do you think?
(Oh, P.S.: I don't have MMF 1.5, I have 1.0 and 1.2 )
Edited by the Author.
Fine Garbage since 2003.
-Paying off a massive amount of debt in college loans.
-Working in television.
After every level just have "DO YOU WISH TO SAVE Y/N", this can easily be done with an INI. And before people go off bad mouthing ini's, only morons would hack them.
Put shiny save crystals throughout the level. Unless your levels are short, in which case save after every level to an INI (which is fine, unless you're incorporating online plane & need security)
I have used INI plus (INI+) to save e.g. some has made in the leveleditor and loaded in the game. In my opinion that's the best choice, and if I remember right you can save any three letters ending file (for example ".dat" ".lev" ".cfg" etc. but I DON'T RECOMMEND TO USE .EXE ending!!!)
Beware, be alert, prepare to defend yourself, or just run for your lives(!), because
JarmoNator has entered the building... (see avatar)
that dark human beast is almost unstoppable, invincible and totally gone CRAZY!
INI files are nice and trusty. Simply change the extension from INI to something different like SAV or whatever you like and people won't instantly attempt to hack into it.
Anyway, it really depends on the game and what needs to be saved. If it's many variables, I'd use an array. If it's just something simple, I'd use an INI.
Recently, though, I've discovered that arrays are actually better for a save game thing. They're faster and you can make it save your game when you get to a save point easilly.
Arrays do have their drawbacks though. You have to keep track of all the slots you're using in the array.
When I used Arrays back when I was a CnC user instead of MMF, I'd leave the game for a while and when I'd go back the save game would have just dissapeared, that's why I don't trust them now. They're probably better in MMF but still.
DistantJ: Not many people fall for the "Oh, it's a .sav file, I can't open it" trick. The best thing to do is to encrypt your ini. You don't even need to have an extension do it, you can just set items to values that aren't obvious (i.e. for Level do something like 329211 for level 2 instead of just 2).
I've had problems with arrays in MMF... they didn't seem to store values.