I was just wondering if I could use a avi or mpeg file as the material applied to an object. For example; if I wanted to make a TV that actually has a small video running inside of it. And if this IS possible, can I also use the same technique to apply a video as a bump map?
Yeah, it's the same as using a JPEG or BMP, and it can be used as bump maps, reflection maps, everything.
For the main map, you just have to bring up the Material editor (press 'M') and then have your material's Diffuse colour as a Bitmap, and then for the map file, just use your video file. If you want to use it for a bump map, do the same, but under Bump Map instead of Diffuse Colour, obviously. You can piss around with the speed of the video at the bottomr of the material editor, a tab that says 'Time.'
If u want a nice tv effect use Digimation Blender ´together with you animation in a mix texture! also use the blender as opacity map between the to textures. If u go close to the tv it looks real with the small - color dots
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