If you feel like you're a good writer or an excellent news hunter and if you want to contribute to the klik community even more than you do now, you should check out http://www.klik-me.com . The site has been up for quite some time now - it's more a quality site than TDC, so the people that visit it might be only partly those you know from this site but that's all. Just check it out and maybe think about joining a nice staff with an active community around it
That was only JD's doing, and he hates everyone these days
You shouldn't call us bastards just because of JD. Besides, Jannis removed the preview upon your request. Most of the editors there are impartial (myself included, apart from when I reviewed High Voltage Snowboarding)
Chill dude, look forward to the future! I think I sent you an email offering to preview Satan Sam 2 in a fair and unbiased manner; that offer still stands
Actually, Klik-Me 2 is much better. It's faster, it has groups, internal messages, and collections. And you don't need to collect news, I just do that because it's easy. You can write articles or do previews, or even interviews.
@Jay: I do include that preview. I wouldn't want a staff that just does what the majority wants it to do. I want a site that is filled with life etc. Of course, you have to draw a line - but I think it worked quite well how I handled it 'til now. JD doesn't mess it up, he just adds some diversity to the site.
@AndyUK: I do The point that I do think that TDC is mainly for newbies doesn't mean that I think that there aren't any people here that can do quite a good job etc. I had also searched for writers here when KM launched first some time ago and I absolutely can't say that they did a worse job than any other guys I accepted
@Chris: When the new site's getting launched.
P.S. tell me how to do random avatars etc.
@Radix: You won't believe me, but I wanted it to look basically the same because I like how it works now. The point that the look and feel are still the same doesn't mean that I haven't recoded the whole site and added several new features etc.