Hello all, I'm a professional illustrator being thoughtfully bounced from site to site in search of a skilled and dedicated programmer to help me out with a game I've been working on. I started my web-trek over at clickteam.com and then ended up over at natomica.com. This is my third bounce...
Anyway, I have no idea how long or difficult this project will be but my plans and objectives are not too complex. The game is a Masters of the Universe (He-Man) 2D Fighter based closely on the Mortal Kombat/Street Fighter series but without all the moves, etc.
Anyway, here are two of the stages (one finished and one only in the early stages of layout...)
Soooo... anyone interested in helping a fanboy out? Let me know via my e-mail (hardwired@cogeco.ca) and I'll fill you in on all the details.
Oh, what about copyright infringement? No worries, I've already been in talks with Mattel Legal and even though my hands are tied VERY tightly, I was given permission to create this game using the classic characters/designs. The two biggest restrictions placed on this game are 1) it must be FREE and always remain FREE, and 2) it cannot appear on a CD, etc. It can ONLY be available for FREE via download (anywhere :wink
Wow, those graphics are sure nice, good job. I'm sure there will be a lot of people willing to help make the game here, I can't wait to see this completed. I'm too busy myself to help out, but good luck
The graphs looks really cool, i really like that
what program/methods did you use to create those graphs?
Well, for the backgrounds, I just paint them up in Photoshop.
The characters have a little more to them than that. I designed a universal mannequin by hand and then inked it in Photoshop, where each bodypart is on its own seperate layer with designated rotational points. I then begin to create each character and colour them.
That looks fucking sweet dude. He-Man was cool. The old ones, the new ones suck.
Brandom DiCamillo did a good song about Skeletor and Beastman you could put on the game, have a look around for it.