I wanna try and make all my events from one level global to the entire game. In TGF i could just make the event groups global, but in MMF i can't. What are good ways of making things global ? it seems i can't even copy a level and paste it in mmf...stupid program.
yeah i know that, but i want to make a big pile of events i already made in a leve, global to the entire app. If i copy/paste, the events won't work entirely.
well im sure you can live without global events copying them in each frame shouldnt ass much to you game, (unless you have loads of levels and loads of events of course)
i made a test application using the Shikun 2 .cca. i opened up the event editor, cut all the events and moved them into the global events list, then duplicated the eventless frame 10 times and built the .exe. it came to about 800kb
then i did the same thing but kept the events in each frame (not global) and duplicated the level 10 times over and built an exe. the result? 800kb again. well actually it was a few Kb over but it was a tiny figure.
im sticking to using behaviours and making the object global, thats a pretty useful system.
i was thinking what i would do in future games of mine, and using behaviours seemed like the way to go, just like you said. I kinda resolved my current problem though. I managed to get the movement engine put into the global events while still working, so i just gotta remake the events that make the level beatable and such. No biggie..
I tried making an object global, then copy it into another frame, edit its behaviour, go back to the other frame. After doing this, the code was only modifyed in the 2nd frame... how would i do this ?