Ive recently started using TGF again after leaving the click community over 2 years ago and Ive started making this as-yet to be named RPG, heres a couple of screens of what I have done so far.
Looks good! I recommend you name it x: y 0f z, where x is any made up word comprised partially of an obscure adjective, y is any metaphorically over-used verb and z is any made up place name, consisting of un unpronouncable juxtaposition of bizzare sylables. EG: Darkia: Mirrors of Ylochenzia
Why the hell am I on the computer at 1 in the morning? No, don't answer.
Have no fear Bo Fu, I will use a custom platform engine, havent implemented it yet as im concentrating on getting a bit of level design done first. The game will run in full screen 320 x 200 which will of course make the graphics look less stretched.
Assault Andy Administrator
I make other people create vaporware
Not bad, btw, you can make BMP looking pictures for pixel art & screenshots using PNG, paint is able to save this format, so why PNG isnt as popular still confuses me. PNG loads as fast as JPG with the quality of BMP.
"jeeze, 320 x 200 resolution WILL stretch your graphics, use 320 x 240. is that so hard."
The screenshots were taken in 320 x 200 stretched to 1024 x 768 as Im currrently designing the game in TGF with "resize display to fill current window size" on so that I can get a rough idea of what the game will look like when I import it into MMF. When its in MMF I can run it in proper fullscreen (i.e the monitor changes resolution) 320 x 200 thus making the graphics look less stretched.
god damn. 320 x 200 resolution will not display full screen on some monitors, and when it does, it WILL DISTORT your pixels. 320 x 240 will not distort your graphics at all, and will work on any monitor that i know of.
wtf does the world have against 320 x 240, 320 x 200 is mcshit.