As chance would have it, a few interesting downloads were submitted on the morning that PlusNet decided to have a computer-throwing contest or set fire to their servers or something. But I'm back now.
Radix has returned with Defiant Black, a characteristically ambitious space shooter/trading simulation.
Comments from the Author:
It's sort of a starship captaining sim. Your goal is to fly around and eradicate the enemy armada (over a randomly generated universe with 100 sectors, so it's kind of a marathon) while managing your shipboard systems and scouting for cargo to sell in order to keep your vessel in condition.
Click here to download the game and read its reviews.
 The second of today's games is Cave Jumper by KNPMASTER, which is of one of my favourite genres - a retro-styled platformer. And apparently it's got over a hundred levels, so it should keep me busy for a while.
Comments from the Author:
Sucks to be stuck in a cave. But when you are in this poor little guy's position, there's only one thing to do: GO CAVE JUMPIN'!
Click here to download the game and read its reviews.
Finally, legendkpr has submitted some Li'l engines for Li'l people, for people that are still using TGF. They're available here.