And the results are in... people's favourite Click & Create / Multimedia Fusion demo game is.... Magic Maths by Merlyn Lear!

Merlyn also develoepd Magician's Lair (which you might remember from my interview with Ishmaru inspired the art style you see in his games such as Synthetic Onslaught) and the Vitalzie! Bat & Ball and Fruit Machine games.
The votes were pretty evenly spread, with Magic Maths getting 3, Chocobreak and Urban Attack Force each getting 2 and Orbit and Solitaire each getting a vote.
You can download all the games as part of Kliktopia's Clickteam Game Demo Collection. Thanks to Clickteam for allowing us to release them all!
Speaking of Click & Create, over on the forums long time lurker Silver has posted on the forum to share a fantastic photo of their collection, which includes a copy of Klik & Create box by Europress:

In other news: