Nine games have been added to Kliktopia that use its online hi-score system. This includes eight games from the V-Cade of old. Check them out at
The page includes instructions at the bottom of the page abot how to download Yxkalle's Vitalize! Launcher Tool and modifying their HOSTS file to get Vitalize! games to run now that they are no longer supported by modern browers.
To celebrate these new games, I have begun a tips and tricks forum thread for the various V-Cade an other hi-score games on Kliktopia. Check it out for some handy advice, and if you impart enough of your own wisdom you might even get a nice little TDC tag!

...In other news Indigo Steel Shield posted to the TDC forum to let us now of a made a major update to their 2013 RPG the Shimmering Celestial Orb by Indigo Steel Shield.
According to the author:
"This is an action RPG that is set in a palace. Your goal is to destroy the object that makes intergalactic space travel possible so that an intergalactic empire will cease to EVER exist. The palace has about a 12 locations.
This game has undergone a MAJOR update! 1. The screen resolution is now about 1300 c 700 2. Your character's hair no longer disappears into her neck as she walks. 3. Your character moves quite a bit faster. 4. There is now EPIC music at the end of your journey. 5. Just a few very small changes."

Click here to download the application and read its comments