Maybe some day. But yea this stuff is only really possible in HWA. I'm a recent (forced) convert to it and I really like it now, I can't make Tormishire HWA just yet though.
But HWA is kinda brilliant. Like in Tormi I have limits on how many effects run at once and other stuff, but on this I can just open the flood gates, like in the 2nd screenshot.
Well, HWA requires a decent graphics card. Ever since HWA came out, my game design crawled to a minimum outside of my house and the only real time I have with my home computer is on weekends. I recently got back into using MMF2 Standard, but still, my game design is far lower than when I started.
It's great on my machine too and I'm only running an x1600. I have to overclock it to 150% it's original speed just to get L4D running on lowest settings!
But I'm forced to use it this time round. Slowdown start occuring after about 2000 32x32 background objects. The frame rate just plummeted to 40fps without HWA.