Attached is a random screenshot of a test game I just played, against myself for lack of better opponent. Red with gunships (and a launcher in the back) on the left, green in trouble on the right (those are the only units it has left). A random test counter slipped in, it seems, a-haha... ;
Anyways, what I've mainly been doing the last two evenings is go through all the code and try to cut down on unnecessary loops, simplify things, etc. It seems the movement gets a tad heavy with fast ammo and collision detections, but it shouldn't be a biggie, since you rarely have multiple ammo on screen at once. Praise be to turn-basedness! Anyhow, the general performance went up a tiny notch as a result. I consider my machine mid-range performance -wise, and I'm aiming for the game to be fully playable on it, but anything below might have an occasional hiccup with the framerates with fast ammo and lots of particles on screen at once.
There's some new stuff since last update as well.
In the second screenshot you can see a flamethrower (still testing, and the units able to wield it still undecided). It'll be powerful at close range, naturally, plus it eats trees for breakfast.
There's an Artillery unit, but it lacks role-specific weapons at this time. It will have some of the game's most powerful weapons, but will be limited to firing above certain minimum angle (currently roughly 45 degrees).
To counter gunships, the Launcher can fire guidable Anti-air missiles. Powerful things, insta-kills gunships, though has limited range. The gunships should be getting a chance-based counter for the anti-air missiles eventually, but for now it's best to stay away from launchers with them.
Oh, and there's also a new Mining Drone unit, which is to do the initial Gold gathering work. A machinegun can be unlocked for it, but is generally not worth it if you have the gold to unlock any other unit. It's a cheap unit though, and currently you can build two with the gold you start with, so it's a quick way to get a decent flow of resources. Gyro scouts are still faster than them, especially when moving vertically, but Gyro Scouts almost cost twice as much as well, plus need to be unlocked first.
Combat Drone is also now Combat Tank, so that we have two different kinds of tanks to choose from. Heavy Tank is still the king though, at least weapon power -wise.
Development continues.