The Daily Click ::. Projects ::. Asunder

Project: Asunder
Project Started: 24th June, 2009 Last Update: 20th September, 2012
Project Owner: Pixelthief Project Members: Pixelthief
Project Type: WIP Project Progress:

4 down, 1 to go
Posted 27th Nov 10, by Pixelthief  
I've been implementing 5 new basic enemy archetypes- just movements and AI and such, not the graphics and sounds. But the way they work is pretty spiffy:

"The Buzzsaw"
A basic obstacle that loops around the outside of the ground, or any other prerecorded movement. Just your basic "don't touch it" trap.

"The Burrower"
An underground shark that speeds along under your feet, emerging at random to make a large arcing jump

"The Tripod"
A 3-legged platform that slowly walks along ala war of the worlds, able to traverse rough terrain and blast away with a sweeping heat ray.

A disembodied hand like the zelda wallmasters, that stalks along the ground, until it jumps at you, grabs a hold, and drags you backwards in time until all your *time* is out- it cannot kill you on its own, but makes other obstacles extremely dangerous (it stops you from rewinding to undo your death)

The last one I'm working on is the "Suicide Jelly", which will be a blob that rolls at you and leaps into the air, showering the ground in front of it with toxic goo- but using your weapon to shield yourself from the goo by sending it backwards in time will quickly reform the goo, making your attack itself a liablity.

Once these are finished, I'll put up a youtube video of the design -> reality of several enemy mechanics to showcase what I've got so far.




Posted by alastair john jack 28th November, 2010

Is Rhys D still helping you with this?


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