The Daily Click ::. Projects ::. ZZAXE

Project: ZZAXE
Project Started: 18th October, 2012 Last Update: 20th October, 2012
Project Owner: Eternal Man [EE] Project Members: Chimera [EE]
Project Type: Galaxy explorer Project Progress:

Time factor please
Posted 20th Oct 12, by Eternal Man [EE]  
Quick update;
I've successfully implented a time factor in the engine. As you might have guessed this allows you to increase the ingame time flow, shortening long travel periods. It's quite fundamental in a game built around realistic distances cause hey, only a douche manouvers stellar space at 200C.

I've also started fiddling with elongation of stars at +C velocities. The screenshot doesn't really convey the feel and look though. ^,^

The camera system is also fully functional,including the zoom option. I really wanted to get a good combination of field overview and aesthetics. So you can switch zoom factor between max view/tiny ship, lesser view/nice ship and a combination of the two. The screenshot is at max zoom.

Posted by Sketchy 20th October, 2012

That seems like a pretty important feature. I hope it will disengage automatically when you approach another object...
Does the background use parallax scrolling?
And what's the ship movement like? There's a cursor, so I'm guessing mouse-based somehow?
Feel free to post a demo...
Posted by Windybeard Games 20th October, 2012

sounds interesting
Posted by Eternal Man [EE] 22nd October, 2012

The time factor will disengage automatically. I have had a bit of a hazzle with the background scrolling, it's a four layer parallax, though since it's space you don't really notice the parallax effect until at about 120K-130K Km/s. It gives a good impression of distance, but makes it harder to convey movement at lower velocities. I been fiddling around with different ways of making it clearer, and making good progress.

There are at least three different control schemes, all of which need to be used in different situations. The main controls are WASD + mouse. The mouse controls the cursor and camera. W is mainly used for throttle, S for brake thrusters. A and D are either angular thrusters(i.e turn) or used for coasting sideways(good in dog fights). SPACE is a snazzy boost thruster!

The slowest movement is the "asteroids" scheme - mouse is used solely for camera, a/d turns and w/s manages speed. Good movement for manual docking and precise manouvers.

The "dog fight" scheme is my personal favourite - w/s manages speed, the ship auto-rotates towards the crosshair and a/d coasts sideways. Awesomely fun to chase baddies and do those anime-ish booster turns! ^,^
The last control scheme is the "long distance" one - the cursor is used to plot a course and speed on the starchart, then you just sit back and relax, or maybe start fiddling with engine properties to maybe cram out a few extra C's.

I'll be sure to post a demo when I've pieced together all the different engines used.


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