Hey guys!
I just wanted to update you more on the game. It's still slowly coming along just fine, and I'm currently working on the second part of the game after the first boss.
The thing that's really holding me back is designing the overworld. It's a lot of trees, mountains, cave walls, etc. that I have to place down, but I'm trying my best to not make rushed overworld design.
I haven't really done more major things just yet, but I have made a couple new enemies, and I've gone back to previous points of the development cycle to add some extra or minor things, as well as some minor details just to make it look nice.
I've been silent for a month on this game, but I just wanted to let you know that things are still operating just fine, and I'm gonna continue to move forward with its development. If you're gonna ask for a DEMO release date, I don't have one yet, so please be patient.
That's all for now! Stay tuned for more updates, and I'll see ya next time!