The Daily Click ::. Projects ::. Space Explorer 3000

Project: Space Explorer 3000
Project Started: 7th May, 2013 Last Update: 16th May, 2013
Project Owner: PkGamer Project Members:
Project Type: Exploration/SandBox Project Progress:

Development Log #1 7/05/2013 23:00
Posted 8th May 13, by PkGamer  
Sorry for any spelling mistakes...

Development Log #1 7/05/2013 23:00

Working on Planet Exploration Mode.The Bare landscape of the moon of Zephauseseda.Planning to add some sort of millitary base/abandoned merchant port.The land is transparent/transulecent.Pulled this of in 5 min to prototype movement etc.Also testing out Ink Effects something I usualy dont use.Still didnt decide how to generate/pick at random the frames.

How Will the Worlds Generate?
What Different Skills Will there Be?
How Many Diffrent 'metal scraps' should there be per galaxy?

How Will World Generate?
Checking On forum for help with generating and saving random surfaces and caves.If All fails I will retreat to a amount of about40-60 premade levels for each "planet" so that the player shouldnt encounter the same level in the short run.Need to figure out Long run solution and try to achieve basic level generation.

What Different Skills Will there Be?
I will try and focus on the basics now.Figuratively speaking help with moving and upgrade that allow the real upgrades to happen.Im planning on reorganising the upgrade tree so it looks something like from Sid Miers Civilization with the different stages etc.

How Many Different Metal Scraps Should There Be Per Galaxy?
This will be most likely decided by a set of options the player pick when he first makes a save.The option he pick will be monitored in a counter and saved as a .ini file.The option will be changable.Not sure on Ammounts per option tough but its going to look something like this:
Starter:You never played a game of this type or might be wasteful of recources.Extra recources will spawn just for you my friend.No materials had been invested into war through great diplomatic achievemnets.A lotof mining operations exist that are just starting to dig out the extensive supply of materials the universe began with.Ofcourse this wont last foreve but enjoy it while you can.
Indermiediate:You played this game atleast once or twice to know what conservative means when it comes to exploring and combat.Aliens hadnt yet arrived at our universe,at least the agressive ones.Theres a lot of merchant ports with a lot of materials.Little materials had been invested into war but already the recourses needed to power the citys are running out and putting strains on civilzations.(Recommended).
Advanced:Think About adding 200 year from when the events happened and during that time aliens scavaged a lot.Ofcourse this means that space is empty but their advanced base are full of stuff.(Not Recommended for Beginners).
I HATE MYSELF(or Im just boss):This is for people who like the extra challenge.Think about 1000 years had passed since the events.The alien bases had fallen and the precious minerals lost invested in wars.Because of that Enemys are also strong and more powerful.If only you can find one of those military bases.(Not recommended for anyone, even the game designer).

Finished 23:13

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