This game is about a weird spicies that lives on a planet 2 solar systems away from ours.. After the comet “Big Bang #2” ( the one that also disabled his brain for the quake was so hard that it scrambled it into spam ) hit there planet, Brozzy, the main character, was seperated from his family relatives. The planet was split in 2 pieces. One quickly floting into space, ( Family one ) And the other staying at his place where the weather system was confused and bacteria where taking over. Becouse Brozzy issn’t that smart anymore you must help him puke thought sun, ice, water, etc.. to kill the bacteria and save half his his planet. Docter Smith promised him to create a gravity composer that will be stong enought to make the other piece snap bach to the first again. This was not possible with the bacteria on the half planet.
So as you can read, you must puke the bacreria and save your planet an weather system so you can live happely ever after with all your relatives.( Screenie is Jungle level )
P.S: His brain damage will never go away. To bad, shit happens!