I have begun and made significant progress on a new adventure game based on the "Greatest Movie" ever made Blade Runner. The game engine is similar to Space Quest and Police Quest only you don’t type in actions, instead you use icons to perform task’s (e.g.) examine, operate and speak. You control the main character using the cursor keys so its not your traditional point and click adventure game as such but it borrows many elements from them.
The story is not based on the Blade Runner film or PC game but is based in the same world round about the same time. To produce stories I will borrow allot of fan fiction from people who write fan fiction based on the film and post it on the Internet.
I have also borrowed many sprite animations and other graphics from various game's and modified them to suit my game. Most noticeable game’s which I have borrowed from are 5 Day’s a Stranger and 7 days a Skeptic which were game’s made using Adventure Game Maker. Check them out they are really good.
I'm going to produce a demo really soon, just to show off the engine and what kind of a game it’s going to be. Once the demo is out I will show it to the various people whom I have borrowed material off to see if they will let me use it. Let me know if you have any good idea’s.