The Daily Click ::. Projects ::. Celestia

Project: Celestia
Project Started: 12th November, 2010 Last Update: 24th June, 2014
Project Owner: siven Project Members:
Project Type: Sidescroller shooter/ rpg Project Progress:

So its been a little while...
Posted 23rd Sep 11, by siven  
So i figured i would update and let everyone know whats going on. My computer is basically... well... falling apart lol. gotta buy all new parts for my rig, so i havnt been able to do much on a computer with a video card that overheats really badly and a processor running at 90%C because my video card burnt it out. So yeah, thats why no updates. i tried to work on it a little bit tonight, but i cant seem to fix the glitch where it spawns too many zombies per detector :/ i did however make it so the shotgun title "Masher" shoots 2 bullets at 80 speed and 2 at 70 speed so you can see that your not just shooting 2-3 bullets out of a shotgun, your actually shooting 4, its just sometimes it shoots them in the same direction at the same speed so they are overlapping each other. also, ill be adding bullet trails when i get the chance, and the ammo system, along with being able to hold more guns. im probably gonna give up on working on the actual zombies themselves and figure that out later, the other stuff is more important and i feel im eating up too much of my time with a mini game where the zombies spawning wont be of any help to me in the actual game (i think) so hopefully, updates will come soon.

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