The Daily Click ::. Projects ::. Celestia

Project: Celestia
Project Started: 12th November, 2010 Last Update: 24th June, 2014
Project Owner: siven Project Members:
Project Type: Sidescroller shooter/ rpg Project Progress:

New version released! V1.9
Posted 27th Sep 11, by siven  
Leveling system has been rebuilt, though that doesnt effect the mini game much.
Ammo system! you now have ammo you must take into account, so keep that in mind while blasting away.
A few graphical changes. Such as background objects on the Hud.
Also, the Firerate of weapons is displayed again. remember, the lower the number on the fire rate, the faster the weapon shoots. that number is the number of (milliseconds i believe) in between each shot.
Zombies now "fall apart" and their body parts bleed all over the place when they die before dissipating, a nice little effect.
second zombie has been added, they have more health and start out faster than the others, and deal damage faster.

I have yet to test everything enough to know if any glitches have been made, so everyone please let me know. (aside from the zombies running up the far left and far right sides, ive just been to lazy to fix that.)

Things to come:
Rare weapons! thats the next project... ive been dreading it a bit but its time.
Holding multiple guns.
Inventory system, than hopefully the card system.

controls are...
wasd for movement
The mouse is aim,
left click is fire,
spacebar is pick up a weapon
and S is open chests.
1: Spawn pistol
2: spawn combat rifle
3: spawn grenade launcher
4: spawn machine gun
5: spawn rocket launcher
6: spawn shotgun
7: spawn sniper rifle
8: spawn smg
F2 is reset.

vvv DL LINK vvv

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