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Author: Jeff Submitted: 26th January, 2003 Favourites:0
Genre: Miscellaneous Downloads: 319

Here's the demo... about 5-6 missions
Story: You get recruited as one of the best mercenaries ever by DiSK, a rebel group of people who carry out missions (similar to GTA).
Controls: Arrow keys to drive etc. (even says so in the game

Enjoy... and comment

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Posted by David Newton (DavidN) 26th January, 2003

Posted by Shme (Stupid Liar) 26th January, 2003

GFX are very bad in this game, those that are not from tgf libraries. Car movement is also very seems that it is a car with 16 directions...but I might be wrong.
Posted by Shme (Stupid Liar) 26th January, 2003

Wong Chung Bang gave it a 5/10...seems to be overrated to me, but it can be improved.
Posted by Jeff 26th January, 2003

Yeah 16 directions... graphics are no good either, for the reason that I'm no artist ;-) I try to look past all of that and see what thw gameplay is. Of course new graphics are always welcome.
Posted by Jeff 26th January, 2003

Hmm just read the review... might aswell trash the game if that's the case... problem is I'm not trying to create a serious game, I'm just bored.
Posted by Jeff 26th January, 2003

3rd comment (sorry folks)... but heh, I'm not a very good programmer/clicker at all. I try not to rip graphics, I write music (none of it in the game is original except for the help screen and menu). I'll see what I can do to improve the game, but as for graphics, sorry that's the best I can do (yes those cars I drew).
Posted by David Newton (DavidN) 26th January, 2003

The 5/10 was because this shows some sort of potential but it really needs improvements on the basic level (engine).
Posted by MattB 26th January, 2003

Yeah, I agree. I'm not gonna write a review of it, since it's just a demo, but it can definitely be good. Slightly wider roads wouldn't hurt, the mission where you have to destroy that dude's car could take a bit longer (destroying it on the first straightaway is a bit too easy) and the ability to travel almost anywhere right from the start would also be nice. Your graphics really aren't that bad. They could be better, but not horrible. My opinion is that you should drop the 3D ones and make ones for yourself. At least there's consistency then. If you're shooting for a more GTA feel, you could give the option to work for either agency in the beginning and take missions as you please. While the current level progression isn't bad, it's too linear if you want this to feel like GTA.
Posted by Jeff 26th January, 2003

Well I don't "want" it to, just felt like it was like GTA in one way or the other. Anyways... I've fixed up a few things, I'll upload a new version soon.
Posted by Smeggy 29th January, 2003

Is it me or is the scrolling slow!!!!!!!
Posted by Jeff 1st February, 2003

Probably not anyone's fault... nor mine ;) The scrolling in TGF is not the best, but it works... that's perhaps why it's a little slow. Also, having a fast computer helps too :P




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