Author: | Pixalatio
Submitted: | 16th March, 2003
Favourites: | 0 |
Genre: | Action
| Downloads: | 295
Rated: |
Imagine an un-named city, put skyscrapers of random heights in it, make it windy, let it be invaded by Gorrilaz that are 5 storeys high. They start to fightwith each other by throwing giant bananas at each other. This is the strange insanty that is Gorrilaz. There is a one player, and of course a 2 player mode.
Controls (sorry but no readme):
enter a number in the first edit box for the direction from 0 - 31 for the direction, 0 is to the left, 8 is up etc.
Do Not Press Enter Yet
enter a number in the second box for the velocity form 1 -100, the wind will effect the movement, the bananas will bounce off the sides of the window and the top of the window.
This is quite an old game and the second game is on its way, for more information visit http://www.pixalatio.tk
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http://www.geocities.com/pixalatio/GorrilazFunpack_Install.zip (654kb ) Please Note: The server this files is hosted on does not allow direct linking, if you are having trouble downloading this file, right-click the URL and select Save Target As.
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