The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Action ::. Friendly-Strike 2

Friendly-Strike 2
Author: TheCalimero Submitted: 4th January, 2004 Favourites:0
Genre: Action Downloads: 1611
Game of the Week Winner

Edited By TheCalimero on 10/3/2006

After more than one year of work, here comes Friendly-Strike2.

Based on my enfine of Fighting Boué, Friendly-Strike2 is an arena-game based on the "weapon-shopping" like Counter-Strike, but it goes on a way without any serious.

-29 (+4) weapons are waiting for you. Each weapon have its own particularites, and a use style very personnal.
-14 fithing Arenas with their favorite weapons.
-6 specials items which require adjustement and mastery.
-4 specials weapons with their own particularities you have to discover.
-4 players, configurables in bots (players simulates by the computer) with 3 differents Skills.
-A "Learning Map" is present in order to teach you how to play.

Friendly-Strike2 speak to people who like have a good time and laught under adrénalin.

Carnage or tactics? technic or mishievousness? the choice is yours (but if you've everything at the same time, it's not a bad thing).


P.S: I have just make a little English version, just for you. Maybe can you repport some faillure in my english.
a little webpage translated:

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Posted by cosmos 7th January, 2004

i know the game seems fun and all, but i just dont know whats the problem. i can run max payne and halflife fine =(
Posted by Pete Nattress 7th January, 2004

halflife runs "fine" on a P266 with a 3D accelerated graphics card. anyhoos, time to download the game...
Posted by Pete Nattress 7th January, 2004

very fun game... genius even. thumbs up.
Posted by Djfuego 7th January, 2004

Good idea! Simple 2d CS style but I could play this online for a laugh :) Being able to configure the Keys would help. Maybe A 2d CS clone is in the offering. BTW check your grammar in the TUT and some spelling mistakes too.
Posted by Stian B. 7th January, 2004

Im not sure,is this game running with video ram on or not?Using Direct X by default?Change resolution mode? If it runs slow on some coputers,try some command in your shorcut to the game. Otherwise try disable the music and sound,and see if the performance is getting better. Most games runs fine,its just tuning it right ;)
Posted by Pete Nattress 7th January, 2004

i don't it's a bad effort considering english isn't the guy's first language. i understood everything.
Posted by Astral_86 7th January, 2004

This looks cool 8) ...but I'll download it later :) cya
Posted by Grazzum - Scorpion E 7th January, 2004

Arrrg, The music "Fight the urge" was what I was gonna use in my game >:( Thx alot man. The game's sweet though ;)
Posted by pixelscope 8th January, 2004

is this game "online"?
Posted by TheCalimero 8th January, 2004

No :( I'll maybe work on a online mod.
Posted by Chrisbo 9th January, 2004

pretty cool, the graphics are awesome.
Posted by SoftWarewolf 10th January, 2004

this is great! :P nice AI too
Posted by Wormware 10th January, 2004

This is the best platform shooting game that I can find on TDC. And you don't need to do this with your little borther because of the nice AI! will this game have an expantionpack?
Posted by TheCalimero 10th January, 2004

:) Thanks :) I don't plan to do an expansion pack. Maybe, if I have the lust. On the other hand, i plan to do an "Adventure Version"
Posted by J.A.P. (Jarmo Airaksinen Productions) 11th January, 2004

looks quite cool. Downloading...
Posted by J.A.P. (Jarmo Airaksinen Productions) 11th January, 2004

Cool. VERY addictive:)!
Posted by Wormware 11th January, 2004

Adventure version, like missions? cool! I think games like 1-shot-1-kill or knive-fights and other variations of this game could be really cool withoutchanging too much. And that you can change money, lives before playing!
Posted by Wormware 11th January, 2004

and where is part 1?
Posted by TheCalimero 11th January, 2004

:) Friendly-Strike1 is 2 yours old :) (you can found it here if you want: I still made an adventure version of Friendly-Strike1 called AdvancingForce (but I losed my .gam before to finish it). For AdvancingForce2 (so Friendly-Strike2 Adventure) I think I'll mix Action and Point&Clik (I don't want to do a copy of AdvancingForce1 with just changing the Graphs).
Posted by Wormware 12th January, 2004

Well sounds cool.! The only thing you should change are the graphics of the menu :) Well keep up the good work!
Posted by Wormware 12th January, 2004

O Part 1 is good too, but too many ripped graphics! And path movement for tehe enemie. But nice too!
Posted by TheCalimero 12th January, 2004

There is NO ripped graphics, and NO path movement (have my own engine) :)
Posted by Wormware 13th January, 2004

the backgrounds are drawn by yourself, are you sure about all of them? I'm talkinh about FS1.. And about the path movement. I'll check n=bu5t it did really look like a path movement... Well never mind. My mistake :p
Posted by TheCalimero 13th January, 2004

Ooh! Friendly-Strike1, Okay ^^ Yes, in Friendly-Strike1 there is a lot of ripped graphs. I made some personal graphs, but generaly, I took the graphs of Zeb and touch it up. :) And the Bot have a path movement, yes :). But I did it in May 2001 ^^.
Posted by Wormware 13th January, 2004

Nothing to blame :p I just thought so.. But abotu the point and click in combi with the action, How will that be? Not sidescrolling (even my Pentuim IV won't let me run that smoothly.) Well you've got the engine you can do a lot with it. Maybe something jamesbond look-alike. That you need to do something and if you set an alarm, people will be releashed to kill you but it's possible to win. And various missions. Or something like collecting stuff when you're fighting with several enemies (or in a team). Teh n you can't wait for the enemie getting in the proper position :) Well, some ideas ;) BTW: in the medival level you will win using a bazooka!!!
Posted by Wormware 13th January, 2004

And something else: I really think this game should have a 1.1 version! With a better menu and some options more to change before playing.. But it's still adictive eneugh to keep me from the street.
Posted by MatUSU 14th January, 2004

Great game! =)
Posted by TheCalimero 14th January, 2004

I've my own ideas about the Point&Click/Action ;) It's will be to long to explain:). Surprise^^.
Posted by Wormware 15th January, 2004

Here's the review!
Posted by TheCalimero 15th January, 2004

Thanks Wormware :)
Posted by Wormware 15th January, 2004

No problemo!
Posted by Robert100chat 24th January, 2004

shooting fun, sounds worth downloading
Posted by J.A.P. (Jarmo Airaksinen Productions) 24th January, 2004

This game is AWESOME and ADDICTIVE... you get hooked quickly if you like games like dat... I would like to know how did you Calimero do the bots AI, 'cause it's extremely good and sometimes almost OVERWHELMING:):):)! If it's possible, make an article how to make a good AI ( to TGF ;) ).
Posted by Bastian 24th January, 2004

Damn good game :)
Posted by TheCalimero 25th January, 2004

:) Thanks I made a tutorial about the AI. It's in comming.
Posted by TheCalimero 26th January, 2004

Here it is:
Posted by Staffan 1st February, 2004

Well.. I tried your game... FOR ABOUT A MONTH! can't stop playing! give me an expansion pack now!!! more levels!! more weapons!!! less french!!
Posted by Matt 25th April, 2004

who cares about french when u have blood,bullets and mayhem great game d b (two thumbs up) me and my friend play this ALL the time and we luve kickin the comps ass!!!!
Posted by -DarKAdaM- 7th July, 2004

cool game.
Posted by Yikes 10th July, 2004

Very good game! The game has for some reason gotten very popular at my school. Too bad it looks too much like Conter strike. Counter strike is a good game, or mod or whatever, but click games should not be based on them. The graphics are indeed good, but it looks a little strange with your 3d stylish floors, cause they point in different angles and not all in the same angle as you should have made them. Otherwise, very very good game.
Posted by Black&White 14th July, 2004

did not like it...
Posted by Coemgen 27th July, 2004

Courage la click française ! Merci Calimero !
Posted by conån 3rd November, 2004

cool game
Posted by chimiX 28th November, 2004

Nan j'y crois pas un jeux français avec 94 % Oo c'est pas rien il est exellent ton jeux (peut etre le meilleur que j'trouve sur ce site et c'est un français qui la fait :') je suis trop fier de toi Calimero ) PS : Dommage que tu ne fait pas conaître plus ton jeux et si tu pourrai remetre le Forum de ton site a jour ça aurai été bien, merci et bon courage pour la suite ;-)
Posted by Bartek 15th March, 2005

P3 got crazy controls :(
Posted by sdd 1st May, 2005

is fun haha
Posted by Thales Rodrigo A. Farias 26th June, 2005

It's very good game,because is very action,and is very good playing to family.
Posted by Justin 19th September, 2005

The AI is next to impossible to beat, too quick and kills me every time. I have only won once! You need a mouse option to beat the AI! Otherwise, lots of maps, awesome coding, found no glitches. Great... For HUMAN players, not the AI. Some advice, though, on moving left and right... The second you turn the other way, so does the gun. He won't run backwards. But, if there was a mouse option, then I would have no complaints. :)
Posted by TheCalimero 22nd September, 2005

Hi, Justin. Thanks. For "on moving left and right... The second you turn the other way, so does the gun. He won't run backwards": Yes, You can shoot behind you. It's explain in the tutorial :) (maybe too quickly sorry :( ) On mouving, press on the opposite direction of your move, just a little hit, but maintain the key of the direction you would like to go. Like that, you can shoot behind you. :)
Posted by Codemonkey 26th October, 2008
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